Dalam makalah ini penulis mencoba membahas salah satu metode dalam meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata bahasa inggris siswa sekaligus memotivasi dan menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan dalam belajar bahasa inggris. Metode yang akan diuraikan penulis adalah metode pembelajaran kosa kata bagi siswa SMP dengan menggunakan media “The English product brands Pictures”.
Diawal pembelajaran guru membuka pengetahuan siswa dengan menjelaskan topik yang akan dibahas dengan bantuan gambar brand yang telah disiapkan. Setelah itu siswa dibimbing untuk melafalkan kata yang terdapat pada brand tersebut dan mencari artinya dan meminta siswa mencari kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan kata pertama. Dengan media ini diharapkan siswa akan lebih mudah mengingat kosakata bahasa inggris dan mengaitkannya dengan kata lain yang masih berhubungan karena kata tersebut sudah umum bagi mereka dan sering dilihat atau digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Di samping itu keunggulan dari metode ini adalah dapat memberikan motivasi bagi siswa untuk mencari tahu makna brand yang selama ini tidak menjadi perhatian dan juga dapat menciptakan suasana yang nyaman dan menyenangkan bagi siswa.
Diawal pembelajaran guru membuka pengetahuan siswa dengan menjelaskan topik yang akan dibahas dengan bantuan gambar brand yang telah disiapkan. Setelah itu siswa dibimbing untuk melafalkan kata yang terdapat pada brand tersebut dan mencari artinya dan meminta siswa mencari kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan kata pertama. Dengan media ini diharapkan siswa akan lebih mudah mengingat kosakata bahasa inggris dan mengaitkannya dengan kata lain yang masih berhubungan karena kata tersebut sudah umum bagi mereka dan sering dilihat atau digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Di samping itu keunggulan dari metode ini adalah dapat memberikan motivasi bagi siswa untuk mencari tahu makna brand yang selama ini tidak menjadi perhatian dan juga dapat menciptakan suasana yang nyaman dan menyenangkan bagi siswa.
A. Background of the Problem
English is one of the foreign languages that must be
learned at schools since the kindergarten level to the university level in
Indonesia. English teaching involves four language skills, they are listening,
speaking, reading and writing. In teaching and learning a language, there are
some aspects that support the four language skills above such as grammar,
vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation that are also taught in English teaching
and learning process.
is very important for language learners, as stated by Edward (1997) that
vocabulary is one of the important factors in all language teaching. Students
must continually learn words as they learn structure and as they practice sound
system. Davies (2000) says that vocabulary is often
more important than grammar in communication and it is also supported by
Thornbury (2004),” If you spend most of your time in studying grammar, your
English does not improve very much. You will see most of improvement if you
learn more words and expressions. You can say very little with grammar, but you
can say almost anything with words.” It means that junior high school students
are also confused even though they have mastered grammar but they cannot
communicate effectively because they do not know many of the words they
cannot communicate and comprehend the material that is taught by the teacher
accurately and effectively and the students cannot express their ideas in both
oral and written forms if they have insufficient vocabulary.
Based on
writer’s experience while he was holding teaching practice program in SMP 27
Padang, in general students still have limited vocabulary, because they get
difficulties to memorize the spelling, meaning, and pronunciation of English
the experience, it was known that the limited vocabulary was their problem in
learning English. It is difficult for them to remember the spelling, the meaning
and the pronunciation the words. Differentiate between English words with
Indonesia make difficulties for the learners to remember spelling and pronunciation
of the word. In Indonesia they just read the word as the spelling, but English
word has to be learned how to pronounce it.
are also not interested in studying English because they feel bored with the
teacher’s technique. Usually, the teacher taught vocabulary in the class
directly. Means that the teacher just asks the students to find the meaning of
the word by looking up dictionary or the teacher says directly and writes down
in front of the class and the students also write in their notebook. In other
word it can say students are only listening to the teacher explanation for
meaning or definition.
In this case, the junior high school students
are not too active in learning process and the teacher often asks the students
to find the meaning of the words in a bilingual dictionary and memorize it. The
teacher does not vary the techniques, such as pictures, songs, games, or story.
Hence, the students feel bored and difficult to memorize the words.
an English teacher in the school is also lack of using media. It
is really expected that teacher can use the the media in teaching. Teaching
vocabulary must be easy and enjoyable for the students. It is intended so the
students easy to keep the new words in their mind.
the English teachers have to use good method and technique in teaching
vocabulary to the learners, the English teacher has to be able to organize
teaching and learning activities; they have to give materials by using a
suitable technique and master the lesson effectively. Especially in learning
vocabulary, teachers must make the students be able to memorize such words in
English language and group of new words. The statements above mean, vocabulary
is important for teaching and teachers must try to find the most effective way
to teach it.
on the phenomenon above, the writer tries to find the effective solution to
increase the vocabulary mastery by using the English product brand pictures. By using the English product brand pictures, students will
be helped to memorize the words and relate to others new words easily because
it is familiar and close to their daily life. For example bathe equipments and cosmetics
such as clear shampoo, attack easy detergent, electronic and automotive
equipments such as sharp, rush, spin and beat motorcycle etc. It makes learning experience fun and more
memorable for the learners because picture memory is superior means that whenever
people see a picture they also represent that picture verbally. However when
people see a word they do not always form a mental image of the word
Formulation of the Problem
The problem of this paper can be formulated into the following question.
“How can teachers use the English product brand pictures for teaching vocabulary
to junior high school students?”
C. Purpose of
the Paper
The purpose of the paper is
to describe how the English teachers use the English product brand pictures to
teach vocabulary to junior high school students. In this paper, the writer also
explains procedures of teaching vocabulary to Junior High School students in
detail. So, it will be easier for English teachers to teach the students in the
A. The
Nature of Vocabulary
Vocabulary is an important aspect in a
language. Vocabulary plays an important role because it appears in every
language skills, listening, speaking, reading and also writing. As Zhihong
(2000) states that vocabulary is a basic unique of language form and it plays
an important role in expressing ideas. Limited vocabularies absolutely
influence learners’ ability in mastery English. In short, the more
students have vocabularies the more they get success in learning English.
Vocabulary building is really important in any
language learning, particularly for people who study English as a foreign language
because without having sufficient amount of English words, the learners will
get difficulties in express their ideas, thoughts, and feelings effectively
because they do not know many of the words they need in expressing that in
spoken or written form.
Hornby (1995) defines vocabulary as the total
number of words in a language, all the words know to a person or used in a particular
book, subject, etc, and a list of words with their meanings, especially one
that accompanies a text book in a foreign language . Hatch and Brown (1995) define vocabulary as a list or set
of words for a particular language or a list or set of word that individual
speaker of language might use.
Richard and Platt (1997) say that vocabulary is
a set of lexemes, including single words, compound words, and idioms. Meanwhile
Cruse (2000) claims that vocabulary is a list of word that has meaning.
Vocabulary is learnt in order to understand the meaning of some words. Then
McCarty and Nobert (1997) state that vocabulary focuses on words as the primary
unit. It means that to produce language, someone should have sufficient
Based on some definitions above, it can be
concluded that vocabulary is related to the words that people use to
communicate as a main part of language. There is no language without
vocabulary. Therefore, vocabulary is the main component of a language.
Teaching Vocabulary to Junior High School
Permendiknas No. 41 Tahun 2007, establish minimum steps that must be met
on each element of the learning activities are as follows:
Preliminary activities. (10% of total allocation of
time), in a preliminary activity, the teacher prepare students psychologically
and physically to participate in the learning process, asking questions that
relate prior knowledge to the material to be studied, explain the purpose of
learning or basic competencies to be achieved, and convey the scope of the
description and explanation of material events in accordance with the syllabus.
Core activities
(exploration, elaboration, and confirmation). (75% of total allocation of time)
Exploration: In
exploration activities the teacher involves the students seeking a broader and
deeper information about a topic / theme of the material to be studied by
applying the principles of Alam takambang
jadi guru and learn from various sources,
use of diverse learning approaches, media and other learning resources,
facilitate interaction between students and teachers, environmental and other
learning resources, involve the students actively in any learning activities,
and facilitate the students doing experiments in the laboratory, studio or
Elaboration: In the course of elaboration, the teacher
familiarize students read and write a variety through meaningful tasks,
facilitate students by giving assignments, discussions and others to bring new
ideas both orally and in writing,
provide an opportunity to think, analyze, solve problems and act without
fear, facilitate students in cooperative and collaborative learning, facilitate
students to compete to improve learning achievement, facilitate student made an
exploration report both oral and written individually or in groups, facilitate
the students to present work individually or in groups, facilitate students
doing exhibitions, tournaments, festivals, and the resulting product, and
facilitate students dos activities that foster pride and self-confidence of
Confirmation: in confirmation activities, the teacher
provide positive feedback and reinforcement in the form of oral, written,
gesture, or gift for student success, confirm the results of exploration and
elaboration of students through a variety of sources, facilitate student
reflection to obtain a learning experience that has been done, facilitate
students to gain meaningful experience in achieving the basic competencies,
serves as a resource and facilitator in answering questions of students who
face difficulty by using a standard and correct language, help to solve the
problem, provide a reference so that students can check the results of
exploration, provide information for further exploration, and provide motivation to students who lack or
have no participated actively.
Closing activities. In the closing activity the teacher
together with students and / or self to make a summary/conclusion of the
lesson, assessment and / or reflection of the activities that have been
implemented consistent and programmed, provide feedback on the process and
learning outcomes, planning a follow-up activities in the form of remedial
teaching, enrichment programs, counseling services and/or assign tasks both
individual and group tasks according to student learning outcomes, and convey
the lesson plan at the next meeting.
In KTSP 2006
teching vocabulary is integrated with teaching reading. The students will learn
functional text and short monologue text
. In the
functional text the students are expected to understand and respond to announcement,
advertisement, and letter. While in short monologue text the students are
expected to comprehend procedure, narrative, recount and descriptive
Teaching vocabulary is the key of teaching a
language, so successful of teaching language depends on achievement in
vocabulary learning. In fact, every
language has different vocabulary system, so each language has different ways
to master the vocabulary of that language, but the important point is teaching
vocabulary should be presented in an interesting ways.
Thornbury (2004) says that to be able to teach as effective as possible,
it is important to know, how words are remembered and stored in students’ minds
and how long term memory is organized.
teacher has to use appropriate technique and recognize the students’ need
without ignore the curriculum or lesson plan. The teacher also can integrate
vocabulary material with other skills to avoid monotonous learning process that
invite students’ boredom and lose their motivation in learning English.
Nation (1990) lists basic technique of explaining the meaning of new
words. First, by demonstration picture including using an object, a cut-out
picture, using gesture, performance action, photographs, drawing and or diagram
on the board, picture from books, television, and video or computer. Second by
verbal explanation including analytical definition, putting in a context, and translating.
Moreover Thornbury (2004) summarizes a list of several techniques to
follow to make vocabulary teaching as effective as possible: First is
repetition, then the importance of retrieval and use of the new words, and personalizing
in vocabulary practice. Another helpful element is motivation, which is closely
linked with attention. “A very high degree of attention (called arousal) seems
to correlate with improved recall.” Connected to this, emotional value of words
should be considered as well.
Finally, Thornbury (2004) advises to visualize a picture for a new word
or to link an abstract word with some mental image. Images drawn by students
themselves have the best outcomes. Besides imaging, there are other mnemonics,
such as making clues from associations with similarly sounding word and its
meaning in the mother tongue. Again, Thornbury claims that students’ own images
have the best influence on remembering.
There are many strategies and techniques that can be used by teacher in
teaching vocabulary to students. Among those
techniques, learning vocabulary by using the English product brand pictures
seems interesting and may be helpful for language learners. This technique can
be integrated with some kinds of short monologue text, such as procedure,
narrative, and descriptive text. It is that one of the learning strategies that
can be used in improving students’ vocabulary is by giving freedom to the
student to think about new words that is related to the first word, so it will be
easy to remember it again in other time, in other word it can say it will
adhere in their long term memory because picture memory was superior means that
whenever people see a picture they also represent that picture verbally.
However when people see a word they do not always form a mental image of the
C. Selecting Material in Teaching Vocabulary
appropriate materials in teaching English is really needed, especially in teaching
vocabulary to junior high school students. When making a decision about what
vocabulary to teach preferentially, the teacher should take into consideration
mainly usefulness of the words. To be able to answer this question, it might be
helpful to look into several aspects.
first, the teacher should consider the learner’s needs. Allen (1983) points out
that it is useful to provide the learner with words for ‘classroom language’
just at the early stages of the course. She continues that it is important for
the teacher to predict what words the student needs to know for talking about
everyday life, people and things surrounding them, she adds when such words are
learnt the new language can immediately be put to use.
of the criteria affecting the teacher’s choice is the frequency of the
particular item is used in common language. Harmer (1993) says that in general,
the words which are most commonly used are the ones we should teach first.
Another aspect to
consider is coverage. As Harmer (1993) states, the words covering more things
are likely to be taught before words with only one specific meaning. For
example the word ‘book’ will be taught before words ‘notebook or exercise
usefulness, learnability is another factor influencing the order in chosen
vocabulary will be taught. There are a lot of reasons why words might be easy
or difficult to learn. For example, let us mention that spelling is complicated,
pronunciation and meaning might be a reason for a word to be difficult to remember.
to Ludescher (1990) claims that there are some factors that make some words
more difficult than others are: first, pronunciation, research shows that words
that are difficult to pronounce are more difficult to learn. Potentially
difficult words will typically be those that contain sounds that are unfamiliar
to some groups of learners - such as regular and lorry for Japanese speakers.
Many learners find that words with clusters of consonants, such as strength or
crisps or breakfast, are also problematic.
is spelling, sound-spelling mismatches are likely to be the cause of errors,
either of pronunciation or of spelling, and can contribute to a word's
difficulty. Words that contain silent letters are particularly problematic:
foreign, listen, headache, climbing, bored, honest, cupboard, muscle, etc.
is length and complexity, long words seem to be no more difficult to learn than
short ones. But, as a rule of thumb, high frequency words tend to be short in
English, and therefore the learner is likely to meet them more often, a factor
favoring their 'learnability'. Also, variable stress in polysyllabic words -
such as in word families like necessary, necessity and necessarily - can add to
their difficulty.
is grammar also problematic. The grammar associated with the word, especially
if this differs from that of its LI equivalent. Spanish learners of English,
for example, tend to assume that explain follows the same pattern as both
Spanish explicar and English tell, and say he explained me the lesson.
Remembering whether a verb like enjoy, love, or hope is followed by an
infinitive (to swim] or an -ing form (swimming) can add to its difficulty. And
the grammar of phrasal verbs is particularly troublesome: some phrasal verbs
are separable (she looked the word up) but others are not (she looked after the
the last is meaning, when two words overlap in meaning, learners are likely to
confuse them. Make and do are a case in point: you make breakfast and make an
appointment, but you do the housework and do a questionnaire. Words with
multiple meanings, such as since and still, can also be troublesome for
Furthermore Baumann and Kame’enui
(2004) state that teaching vocabulary to the students; teachers can start choosing
words with school materials. Moreover, he adds that except school materials
there are many other sources of words to teach based on students’ environment;
community events and television programs.
concrete things are more learnable then abstract ones, therefore they are
always taught first, because the students will be easier to catch the familiar
word and easy to say.
D. Authentic Material
Peacock (1997) defines authentic texts as the materials that have been
produced to fulfill some social purpose in the language community. Nunan (1999)
defines authentic materials as spoken or written language data that has been
produced in the course of genuine communication, and not specifically written
for purposes of language teaching. In fact, in his teaching he encourages his
students to bring into the classroom their own samples of authentic language
data from real-world contexts outside of the classroom.
In fact, using authentic materials has several advantages. According to
Brinton (1991), authentic materials and media can reinforce for students the
direct relationship between the language classroom and the outside world and
also he sees authentic materials as a way to contextualize language learning. Berardo
(2006) states that the main advantages of using authentic materials in the
classroom therefore having a positive effect on student motivation, giving
authentic cultural information, exposing students to real language relating
more closely to students’ needs, supporting a more creative approach to teaching.
E. The English Product Brand Pictures
Basically, the English product brand pictures are categorized as a picture
with words or information. Mckenchnie (1980) defines picture in Webster
dictionary that picture is an image, or likeness of an object, person, or scene
produce on a flat surface, especially by painting, drawing or photography.
Gerlach (1980) states pictures are a two dimension visual representation
of person, places, or things. Photograph prints are most common, but sketches,
cartoons, murals, cut outs, charts, graphs and maps are widely used.
Types of
pictures according to Wright (1990) are:
Pictures of single object
Picture of person: picture of famous person, pictures
of several people and pictures of people inaction
Pictures of places
Pictures from history
Pictures with a lot of information
Pictures of fantasies
Pictures of the news
Pictures of maps and symbols
Meanwhile, Yunus (1981) groups the picture into four groups:
1. Composite picture
These are large single pictures, which show a scene (hospital, beach,
canteen, railway station, street) in which number of people can be seen doing
2. A picture series
A picture series is a number of related composite pictures linked to form
a series of sequences. Hence, it is main function is to tell a story or
sequence of events.
3. Individual picture
These are single pictures of objects, person or
activities such pictures vary in size from small newspaper pictures and can be
mounted singly.
4. Specialized pictures (posters, charts, advertisements, brochures)
Wall posters are not designed specifically for teaching, but rather for
advertising or propaganda purposes.
Pictures are one of these valuable
aids in teaching Vocabulary. As Hill (1990) says “They bring images of reality
into the unnatural world of the language classroom.” Pictures bring not only
images of reality, but can also function as a fun element in the class.
Sometimes it is surprising, the lesson may change when the teacher use pictures,
even if only employed in additional exercises or just to create the atmosphere.
He adds, to be more specific, beside lessons where pictures are in the main
focus, they might be used just as a “stimulus for writing and discussion, as an
illustration of something being read or talked about, as background to a topic
and so on”
From the definitions of pictures above, it indicates that the English
product brand pictures can exchanged and represented the real object into a
simple device which has displayed a series of places, object, person, or even
F. The English Product Brand Pictures as a
Media of Learning Vocabulary
Now, so many things can be used to improve English ability. One of that can
be seen in trading aspect. After free trade was undertaken, including
Indonesia, so many products use English brand, include local products. It meant
to lose differences between local products and import products. This condition
gives wider opportunity for young generations to improve their English ability,
one of way that can help students in improving their English is improve their vocabulary
by using the English product brand pictures.
The English product brand pictures media basically have similarities with
using picture. But here the pictures are authentic media contain the English words
that help students to improve their vocabulary. Authentic media give different
sense for the student, because they can connect between classrooms with the
real life outside.
Thornbury (2004) advises to visualize a picture for a new word or to link
an abstract word with some mental image. Images drawn by students themselves
have the best outcomes. Besides imaging, there are other mnemonics, such as
making clues from associations with similarly sounding word and its meaning in
the mother tongue. Again, Thornbury’s claim that students’ own images have the
best influence on remembering a word.
There are many possibilities how to explain or illustrate the meaning of
the words. In the first place, it is necessary to mention techniques typical
for ‘Direct Method’ as Thornbury (2004) specifies them “using real objects
(called realia) or pictures or mime.”
Various techniques and activities
are aimed directly at learning vocabulary which is usually put into sets of
somehow related words, often by topic or meaning. Thornbury (2004) claims, it
is necessary to integrate new vocabulary into existing knowledge in the mental
lexicon, which is done by types of activities, where students make judgments
about words, e.g. matching, comparing etc.
Using the English product brand pictures in teaching Vocabulary believed as
the effective way because it has familiar for the students in their daily life.
It means that the students can keep the words in their mind for a long time and
easy to find related word because they use or see it so many time in their
daily life, beside that the scope is unlimited, not just limited in classroom
context but also in everyday life, wherever and whenever.
For example the teacher takes a topic about bath equipments and cosmetics,
one of picture that able to use is clear shampoo picture. In the beginning the
teacher asks some questions about the topic to trigger the students’ knowledge
(in this case teacher show a pictures of toothpaste that use English brand,
like formula) the teacher also explain a bit about the topic, after that the
teacher drills the students pronunciation, the meanings and guide the student
to find some related word and use the words in simple sentences.
The teacher sets students into groups of 5 students each group, and
the teacher distributes the English product brand picture to each group, attempted
to use the same type or topic of picture, such as bath equipments and
cosmetics. Before the teacher distribute the picture, he or she showing the
picture to the student, every time showing a picture, the teacher ask the
students about their experience or knowledge about the picture. This way is intended to invite students’
interest and background knowledge about the topic and make them think more what
is going to do next and reduce their boredom and enliven the situation.
The students may discuss to find the meaning of the product brands
and find five related words to product itself, not to the brand, the words are
not restricted, it can be verb, noun, and adjective. For example shampoo Clear, the students ask to find the
meaning of Clear and five related
words to the product, here the example product is shampoo, so the related words
enabled are foam, water, hair, rinse, bath, dandruff, soak, etc and after that
ask them try to create simple sentences by using the words, so its total six
sentences for each group.
After finished, one of students
from each group as a representative presents their work in front of the class
by read and writes. Next the teacher and the students discuss it together
include the pronunciation of each words, the teacher asks them to check words
pronunciation through English dictionary.
After all of group finish to
present their result, the teacher collects the pictures and then distributes it
again to the groups randomly, so that each group gets a different picture than
before and asks them do the activity again and not allowed to repeat the same
word with word that have been presented before. After all of groups finish
performing their work, the teacher present a monologue text that has relation
to the English product brand itself, such as procedure text about “How to
Shampoo Your Hair” followed by some
question related to the text. The teacher writes down difficult words that are
founded in the text. After finish, the teacher asks the group to write their
answer in front of the class and check it together. If the students have wrong
answer, the teacher should guide the students to correct the answers by
checking it in dictionary. The teacher gives a score or point and writes down
in whiteboard to group that give correct answers and, it is intended to
stimulate students’ positive competitor sense.
A. Making the English Product Brand Picture as
a Media
The English product brand pictures media are easy to create. It just takes
a picture of English product brand, emphasize take the familiar brand for the
students such as the product which is famous or often come up in television
advertisements, and stick in a cardboard in size 20cm x 20cm, it is big enough to
see from the back of class, and also the teacher will distribute the picture to
each group, so it is not needed to make in quite big.
The picture can take from internet by searching in Google image or take from the magazines or advertisements. However
the best is from the internet, because the picture can be resized as desired
and print it in full color printing to make more interesting.
Example of the English product brand picture as a media
B. Teaching Vocabulary by Using The English
Product Brand Pictures
Teaching vocabulary by using the English product brand pictures here
means that the students identify and study words from the context on the
picture shown. The picture offers an imaginary world, created by language that
students can learn and enjoy. The picture, beside for learning is also designed
to entertain, so the teacher have to choose particular words to keep the students interest and memory for their
growth in vocabulary and language development.
This method also adapts three phase technique as government established. That
are pre, whilst, and post teaching. Whilst teaching phase consist of three
stages which are exploration, elaboration, and confirmation stages. Pre-teaching
is opening the learning process the teacher greets the students and asks about
their condition, these in order to warm up the situation.
In whilst teaching, exploration
is the first stage, in this stage the teacher tells the students what they are
going to learn at that day. Next teacher asks some questions about the topic to
trigger the students’ knowledge (in this case teacher show a pictures of car
that use English brand, like Rush)
the teacher also explain a bit about the topic, after that the teacher drills
the students pronunciation, the meanings and guide the student to find some
related word and use the words in simple sentences. This stage is restricted 15
In the elaboration stage, the teacher sets students into
groups of 5 students each group, and the teacher distributes the English
product brand picture to each group, attempted to use the same type or topic of
picture, such as bath equipments and cosmetics. Before the teacher distribute
the picture, he or she showing the picture to the student, every time showing a
picture, the teacher ask the students about their experience or knowledge about
the picture. This way is intended to
invite students’ interest and background knowledge about the topic and make
them think more what is going to do next and reduce their boredom and enliven
the situation.
The students may discuss to find the meaning of the product brands
and find five related words to product itself, not to the brand, the words are
not restricted, it can be verb, noun, and adjective. For example shampoo Clear, the students ask to find the
meaning of Clear and five related
words to the product, here the example product is shampoo, so the related words
enabled are foam, water, hair, rinse, bath, dandruff, soak, etc and after that ask
them try to create simple sentences by using the words, so its total six
sentences for each group.
In this stage students are allowed using
dictionary. The teacher set them a time limit to come up with many words as
they can that are related to the topic. For this stage is allocated about 25
After finished, one of students
from each group as a representative presents their work in front of the class
by read and writes. Next the teacher and the students discuss it together
include the pronunciation of each words, the teacher asks them to check words
pronunciation through English dictionary.
After all of group finish to
present their result, the teacher collects the pictures and then distributes it
again to the groups randomly, so that each group gets a different picture than
before and asks them do the activity again and not allowed to repeat the same
word with word that have been presented before. After all of groups finish
performing their work, the teacher present a monologue text that has relation
to the English product brand itself, such as procedure text about “How to
Shampoo Your Hair” followed by some question
related to the text. The teacher writes down difficult words that are founded
in the text. After finish, the teacher asks the group to write their answer in
front of the class and check it together. If the students have wrong answer, the
teacher should guide the students to correct the answers by checking it in
dictionary. The teacher gives a score or point and writes down in whiteboard to
group that give correct answers and, it is intended to stimulate students’
positive competitor sense.
Example of short monologue text
How to Shampoo Your Hair
Soak your
hair, first. It's important that the hair is wet to make shampooing easy
otherwise it won't work.
Massage your
scalp. Petrissage is a scalp massaging technique to stimulate blood-flow to the
scalp encouraging healthy hair and scalp, it also removes dirt.
Shampoo your
Rinse your
hair. It's important to ensure that no shampoo residue
Rinse, Again.
Rinse the hair thoroughly ensuring no residue is left behind.
dry your hair.
Dry hair. Use
a blow dryer or air dry.
Style your
hair. Put mousse or gel into your hair as anyone usually would to add style.
In the confirmation stage, the teacher gives individual exercise to
know the students ability in understanding vocabularies. The teacher gives a
group of random words and asks the students to find the meaning and classified
into group words of the same type or has relation. After finished, the teacher
collects their work and discusses the correct answers and drill the
pronunciation followed by the students.
The last is post teaching, in this
stage the teacher asks the students about the lesson that has been learned to
day and make a conclusion and close the lesson.
Advantages of
Using The English Product Brand Pictures in Teaching Vocabulary
Teaching Vocabulary by using the English product brand pictures has some
advantages: first, the English product brand pictures could attract the
student’s motivation in learning activity and take a part in learning process.
In this method, the students are same to play a game and each group try to be
the winner by collecting higher score than others group. This method will
stimulate students’ positive competitor sense and bring fun atmosphere in
learning process.
Second, make English lesson atmosphere life by using authentic media or
are not designed specifically for teaching so it’s bring real life situation,
beside that using authentic media into the classroom make learning experience
more memorable for the learner. Real objects are the easiest kind of visual
aids to use in the classroom since they need no special preparations or
materials. It is the best way to make words memorable because students are
really close with them which is not unimportant or overlooked thing all this time.
Real things create interest and activate the imagination.
Third, encourage the students to be more creative by asking the students
to find out the related words to the products by them self. This method is
hoped build students’ critical thinking sense. Fourth, makes the students more
memorable or remember the words for a long time because they always find and do
it in their daily life. Fifth, availability, it can get in any magazines, on the internet,
etc; they are cheap, often free; flexibility - easily kept, useful for various
types of activities (drilling, comparing, etc.), it always fresh and different
and moreover the learner often wonders what comes next.
Vocabulary is one of the important factors in all language teaching
learning and the students must continually learn new words as they learn
structure and as they practice sound system, but most of the students are not
interested and motivated at all. Therefore, the writer uses the English product
brand pictures as one of the method in teaching Vocabulary to junior high
school students.
The English product brand pictures help the students to memorize the
difficult words easily by looking at the English product brand pictures and
relate to other words. The uses of English product brand pictures make the
vocabulary learning more enjoyable and interesting because they are same play a
game. Pictures are possibly used in teaching pronunciation and structure also. The
use of English product brand pictures makes the class more active and alive. The
use of pictures could attract the students’ curiosity in learning new
B. Suggestions
are so many approaching methods that can be developed by teachers for having a
good and enjoyable class situation to reach out the curriculum target. In order
to cover it, there are some suggestions that should be considered. First, the
teacher should choose the technique and materials that are appropriate with the
students’ needs and experiences so the class atmosphere become enjoyable and
interesting. Then the teacher should give short, clear and simple instruction,
the teacher should keep in control the students activities. The teacher should
present the language in an enjoyable and relaxed way. It could be done by using
pictures, songs, games etc, and the teacher should creative and active to find
various methods to teach the junior high school students.
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Examples of
English Product Brand Pictures
Clear Attack/ Easy Formula
Beat Rush Spin
Sweat Flag Mild
Sharp Rider
Example of
exercise in the confirmation stage
Find the meaning of random words below and classified
into group based on type and meaning relation.
Write Fan Teacher Rice
Hot Television Hungry Channel
Eat Study Blow Wind
Bread Watch Whiteboard Movie
In this case students have to
classified like example below
Key answers
Watch =
Movie =
Television =
Channel =
Eat =
Bread =
Rice =
Hungry =
Write =
Study =
Teacher =
Whiteboard =
papan tulis
Fan =
kipas angin
Blow =
Hot =
Wind =
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