Brochure is a single set of paper to give information, to promote or to advertise something.
Brochures are advertising pieces mainly used to introduce a company or organization and inform about products and/or services to a target audience.
Brosur adalah lembaran tipis untuk memberikan informasi, untuk mempromosikan atau untuk mengiklankan sesuatu.

Ciri-ciri sebuah brosur :
Menggunakan headlines, terdiri atas kalimat-kalimat yang pendek dan sederhana.
Menggunakan jenis dan ukuran huruf yang mudah dibaca.
Meyakinkan pembaca untuk melakukan sesuatu atau membeli produk tertentu.
Menjelaskan sisi baik sebuah produk.
Mencantumkan alamat atau orang yang dapat dihubungi dengan jelas.
Contoh brosur, soal, dan kunci jawaban
Bandung’s Most Convenient Hotel
Looming high and majestic.
Our ideal location makes it a top choice for business and travelers. Comprehensive facilities covering private boardrooms, a world-class private lounge and impeccable guest rooms will leave you with little else to desire.
If that’s not enough, our blend of prompt efficiency and personalized service will surely win you over. It’s all here to enjoy like never before-all you have to do is ask.
To make a reservation, please call Intan Hotel, Bandung at (022)20354448 or visit our website at
Answer the questions bellow!
What is the purpose of the text?
A. to tell us about Bandung
B. to advertise a hotel in Bandung
C. to describe a world class private hotel
D. to describe hotels in bandung in general
E. to tell us about where to visit in bandung
What makes Intan Hotel the best choice for business travelers?
A. its price
B. its ideal location
C. its facilities
D. its service
E. its cuisine
“Our blend of prompt efficiency and personalized service will surely win you over.”
The antonym of the underlined word is…
A. run
B. low
C. quick
D. slow
E. high
“Our blend of prompt efficiency and personalized service will surely win you over.”
The synonym of the underlined word is…
A. run
B. low
C. quick
D. slow
E. high
Which one is TRUE!
A. Call Intan Hotel at (022)20354447 to make reservation
B. Its price makes this hotel is top choice for business travelers
C. This hotel’s name is Bandung Most Convenient Hotel
D. To make reservation we can visit at
E. We can’t make reservation at (022)20354448 or at
Kunci Jawaban
B. to advertise a hotel in Bandung
B. its ideal location
D. slow
C. quick
D. To make reservation we can visit at
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