Semua Tentang Present Perfect Continuous Tense

A.  Defenisi Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

Present perfect continuous Tense atau yang dikenal juga dengan present perfect progressive tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu pekerjaan yang telah dimulai di masa lalu tapi masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.

B. Penggunaan Present Perfect Continuous

1.    Untuk menunjukkan aktivitas yang sudah dikerjakan dan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.
        She has been sleeping since one hour ago.
        (Dia telah tidur sejak 1 jam yang lalu <saat ini pun masih tidur>).
        We have been walking for a whole day, but we don’t arrive yet.
        (Kita sudah jalan kaki seharian, tapi kita belum sampai juga)

2.    Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang baru saja selesai dan efeknya masih bisa dirasakan pada saat ini.
        It has just been raining all night, and the garden is still wet.
        (Hujan turun semalaman, dan kebun masih basah)
        The fire fighter has just evacuating the victim from that building.
        (Petugas pemadam kebakaran baru saja selesai mengevakuasi para korban dari gedung itu).

C. Rumus 
S + have/has + been + V-ing
John has been sleeping since 3 hours ago
S + have/has + been + nominal
You have been in home for whole day
S + have/has + not + been + V-ing
I have not been working for a day
S + have/has + not + been + nominal
I have not been stupid like this before
Have/has + S + been + V-ing
Have you been waiting for me since two hours ago?
Have/has + S + been + nominal
Have I  been sick for three days?

D. Keterangan Waktu.
Bisa dikatakan bahwa fungsi nomor dua dari tense ini adalah sama persis dengan fungsi present perfect tense. Walaupun fungsi kedua tense ini dikenal di dunia grammar, tapi dalam praktiknya banyak orang yang lebih memilih menggunakan present perfect untuk menjelaskan suatu pekerjaan yang baru saja dikerjakan dan masih meninggalkan efek pada saat ini.
Tense ini biasanya menggunakan keterangan waktu yang memiliki durasi seperti: for + time (selama) dan since + time (sejak).
  • since... = sejak
  • since July 2013 = sejak bulan Juli 2013
  • recently = baru-baru ini
  • for... = selama
  • the whole days = sepanjang hari ini
  • still = masih
  • anymore = tidak lagi
  • long = lama
  • for ten years = selama sepuluh tahun

E. Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Continuous Tense dan Artinya.
  1. Sandy has been typing the document for 3 hours but somehow it does not finish yet. (Sandy telah mengetik dokumennya selama 3 jam, tapi entah bagaimana belum selesai juga).
  2. The company doesn’t promote me for a new position whereas I have been working there for ten years. (Perusahaan tidak mempromosikan saya untuk jabatan baru, padahal saya telah bekerja di sana selama 10 tahun).
  3. Are you not tired? you have been speaking on the phone for couple hours. (Tidakkah kamu merasa capek? kamu telah berbicara di telphon selama dua jam).
  4. Where are you Jane? your father has been looking for you since yesterday. He worries about you. (Kamu dimana Jane? ayahmu mencari kamu sejak kemarin. Dia mengkhawatirkanmu).
  5. We have been walking around this way for an hour, but we still can’t find your wallet. (Kita telah berjalan keliling jalan ini selama satu jam, tapi kita masih belum menemukan dompetmu).
  6. Gareth Bale has been playing football for Real Madrid since 2013 and has won several title. (Gareth Bale telah bermain bola untuk Real Madrid sejak 2013 dan telah memenangkan beberapa title).
  7. President Jokowi has been leading Indonesia for 1 years, but there is no great and satisfied development. (Presiden Jokowi telah memimpin Indonesia selama 1 tahun, tapi tidak ada perkembangan yang besar dan memuaskan).
  8.  I have been teaching you all for 1 years and now we have to be apart. I apologize for all my mistake. (Saya telah mengajar kalian semua selama 1 tahun dan sekarang kita harus berpisah. Saya minta maaf atas semua kesalahan).
  9. This computer has been operating for 20 hours, it must be shut down now, unless it will explode. (Komputer ini telah beroperasi selama 20 jam, ini harus dimatikan sekarang, jika tidak akan meledak).
  10. We have been dating for five years, but you never ask me to marry you. (Kita telah pacaran selama 5 tahun, tapi kamu tidak pernah memintaku untuk menikah denganmu).
F. Exercise
 Choose the Correct answer for the questions below.!
1. They have been .............. english for almost two hours
a.    study
b.    studied
c.    to study
d.    studies
e.    studying

2. She .............. waiting for you since 8 a.m.
a.    has been
b.    have been
c.    have
d.    has
e.    having

3. .............. you been watching TV for about an hour?
a.    Has
b.    Having
c.    To has
d.    Have
e.    To have

4. We haven't .............. that song for a long time
a.    be singing
b.    been singing
c.    sang
d.    are
e.    to sing

5. He has .............. a short story for about three hours
a.    been writing
b.    been written
c.    writing
d.    write
e.    writes

6. Mr. Oscar .............. been trying hard to repair his computer
a.    have
b.    to have
c.    has
d.    is
e.    isn't

7. She has .............. discussing the problem with me very seriously
a.    be
b.    being
c.    isn't
d.    are
e.    been

8. I .............. been doing my homework since 7 p.m.
a.    have
b.    has
c.    have to
d.    has to
e.    having

9. They have .............. listening to the music since 9 p.m
a.    be
b.    being
c.    been
d.    are
e.    is

10. Has Paul been .............. the book for some hours?
a.    read
b.    reading
c.    reads
d.    to read
e.    to reading

Part II
1. She ….. English since 2010
    A. Have been learning
    B. Has been learning

2. My father ….. visiting Bali for a year
    A. Have been
    B. Has been

3. ….. have been living in Jakarta since 2008
    A. My friends
    B. My friend

4. ….. have been watching TV for two hours
    A. The Boy
    B. The Children

5. All of my friends ….. in the lake
    A. Have been swimming
    B. Have been swiming

6. The Scientist mixes the formula
    A. The Scientist has been mixing the formula
    B. The Scientist has been mixxing the formula

7. My friend and I do a great job
    A. My friend and I has been doing a great job
    B. My friend and I have been doing a great job

8. He sleeps
    A. He has been sleeping
    B. He has been sleepping

9. The old women study Grammar
    A. The old women has been studying Grammar
    B. The old women have been studying Grammar

10. The thief will have been stealing much money in the bank
    A. The thief has been stealing much money in the bank
    B. The thief have been stealling much money in the bank


Part II
1    B   
2    B   
3    A   
4    B   
5    A   
6    A   
7    B   
8    A   
9    B   
10    A


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