Semua Tentang Simple Past Tense

A. Defenisi Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense adalah tense yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang terjadi pada masa lampau tanpa ingin menekankan bahwa pekerjaan tersebut telah (perfect) atau sedang (continuous) dikerjakan. Pemahaman tense ini hampir sama dengan Simple Present Tense, hanya waktunya saja yang berbeda dan sering juga digunakan dalam percakapan maupun tulisan.

B. Rumus

Contoh Kalimat
S + Verb-2
She killed a snake yesterday
S + was/were + nominal
I was there but you did not see me
S + did + not + Infinitive
She did not know where to go.
S + was/were + not + nominal
When I was a child, I used to cry.
Did + S + Infinitive
Did you take my money?
Was/were + S + nominal?
Was the case hard to solve?

C. Fungsi Simple Past Tense
Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang terjadi pada masa lalu tanpa ingin menekankan pekerjaan tersebut sedang terjadi atau telah terjadi. Jika bingung dengan perbedaannya dengan present perfect tense karena sama-sama telah terjadi silahkan baca perbedaannya DI SINI.

        I knocked on your door last night but no one came out.
        (Aku mengetuk pintu rumahmu kemarin malam, tapi tidak ada seorang pun yang keluar)
        Did you tell her that I was with my another girl friend last weekend?
        (Apakah kamu memberitahunya kalau aku sedang dengan pacarku yang lain weekend kemarin?)
D. Keterangan Waktu
    Simple past tense menggunakan keterangan waktu yang menunjukkan masa lampau, seperti yesterday (kemarin), last week (minggu lalu), last night (kemarin malam), one year ago (setahun yang lalu), the day before (sehari sebelum), once upon a time (pada suatu waktu).

E. Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense.

  1. My mother cooked fried chicken for my birthday party last week. (Ibuku memasak ayam goring untuk acara ultahku minggu yang lalu).
  2. I tried to call you yesterday, but no one picked up my phone. (Aku mencoba menghubungimu kemarin, tapi tidak seorang pun yang mengangkat telphon).
  3. Jokowi won the president election several months ago. (Jokowi memenangkan pemilihan president beberapa tahun yang lalu).
  4. My smartphone was the fastest loading among others. (smartphoneku dulu adalah yang paling tercepat loadingnya di antara yang lainnya).
  5. She did not go to school yesterday because since three days ago she has been sick. (Dia kemarin tidak masuk sekolah karena sejak 3 hari yang lalu dia sakit.
  6. Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up (Kebanyakan yang gagal dalam hidup adalah mereka yang tidak sadar seberapa dekat mereka dengan kesuksesan ketika mereka menyerah).
  7. I wonder why you did not take the scholarship to study abroad. (Aku heran mengapa kamu tidak mengambil beasiswa untuk belajar ke luar negeri). 
  8. Were you so sleepy last night that you left the show before it’s over? (Apakah kamu begitu mengantuk hingga kamu meninggalkan pertunjukkan sebelum selesai?)
  9. I would wait for you if I was not in hurry to catch my flight. (Aku akan menunggumu jika aku tidak sedang terburu-buru mengejar pesawat).
  10. The weather was not good enough to play football yesterday. (Cuacanya tidak cukup bagus untuk bermain bola kemarin).

F. Exercises

Part I
1. My mother … me a byclcle yesterday
a. Buys
b. Buyed
c. Bought
d. Will buy

2. Dodit … his report
a. Didn’t finished
b. Did not finished
c. Did not finish
d. Does not finish

3. She …a lazy student
a. Wasn’t
b. Weren’t
c. Isn’t
d. Am not

4. You … me a message last night
a. Sent
b. Send
c. Sended
d. Will send

5. They … an architect?
a. Were
b. Was
c. Are
d. Is

6. The Doctor gives the prescription
a. Did the doctor not given the prescription?
b. Didn’t the doctor give the prescription?
c. Did not the doctor gave the prescription?
d. Didn’t the doctor gave the prescription

7. Is the teacher in the class?
a. Isn’t the teacher in the class?
b. Wasn’t the techer in the class?
c. Weren’t the teacherin the class?
d. Am not the teacher in the class?

8. They were studying Math
a. They were studied Math
b. They were study Math
c. They studied Math
d. They did study math

9. English will be the most popular subject
a. English was the most popular subject
b. English were the most popular subject
c. English is the most popular subject
d. English are the most popular subject

10. They do a great jobPenjelasan 16 tenses
a. Did they did a great job?
b. Did not they do a great job?
c. Did they do a great job?
d. Did they did not a great job?

Jawaban Dan Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris
1     C     Simple past tense bentuk positif, verb yang dipakai adalah V2 dan V2 dari buy adalah bought (irregular verb).
2     C     Dalam simple past tense bentuk negative, verb yang digunakan tetap v1 (bare infinitive).
3     A     , auxiliary verb yang dipakai adalah (was atau were). Sedangkan penggunaan was atau were tergantung dengan subjeknya,
4     B     Seperti halnya bentuk negatif, dalam bentuk interogatif kata kerja utama yang digunakan menggunakan verb1 (bare infinitive).
5     A     Ini adalah bentuk interogatif. Subjek “They” jadi auxiliarynya “were”.
6     B     bentuk negative interogatif, penggunaan did not di depan harus disingkat didn’t. jika tidak disingkat maka menjadi did + subject + not. Dan kata kerja utamanya harus V1 (bare infinitive).
7     B     Subjek she harus menggunakan auziliary verb was. Was not dsingkat wasn’t. Jika tidak ingin disingkat maka was + subjek + not.
8     C     Harus  menggunakan verb2, dan tidak menggunakan was/were karena terdapat kata kerja.
9     A     Bentuk positif, dan tidak ada kata kerja utama maka menggunakan was karena subjeknya English.
10     C     Rumus kalimat interogatif adalah Did + S + Verb1

Part II
1.    I ……………………… my drawing book two days ago
a.    loss
b.    lost
c.    was losing

2.    I was listening to music when my teacher ……………………… my class.
a.    has entered
b.    was entering
c.    entered

3.    My brother ……………………… the newspaper when he was waiting his friend.
a.    read
b.    was reading
c.    had read

4.    My brother and me went to campus and then we ……………………… in a cafeteria.
a.    had relaxed
b.    relaxed
c.    were relaxing

5.    Anita ……………………… John when she was reading book in library.
a.    was meeting
b.    met
c.    had met

6.    The students ……………………… to zoo when they were studying animal’s name.
a.    were going
b.    went
c.    had gone

7.    Angeline ……………………… to English conversation when her friend was singing beside her.
a.    listened
b.    listens
c.    was listening

8.    I ……………………… to college alone when my friend was coming late.
a.    walked
b.    walk
c.    was walking

9.    ……………………… she read novel last morning?
a.    Do
b.    Does
c.    Did

10.    My brother ……………………… a motorcycle three weeks ago.
a.    has
b.    had
c.    have

11.    I ……………………… when my cousin was going to abroad.
a.    am sad
b.    were sad
c.    was sad

12.    When I lived in Singapore, I ……………………… in a hospital.
a.    work
b.    worked
c.    was working

13.    He passed his examination because he ……………………… very hard.
a.    was studying
b.    studies
c.    studied

14.    My teachers were angry because I ……………………… lazy.
a.    am
b.    was
c.    were

15.    When my sister………………………, it was raining
a.. got up
b. gets up
c. get up

16.    My teacher………………… new book yesterday.
a.    bring
b.    brought
c.    brings

17.    I……………………… Julian at the Nick’s party. He was handsome.
a.    see
b.    saw
c.    seen

18.    Julio………………. student last year.
a.    was active
b.    were active
c.    is active

19.    I was watching movie when my mother ……………………… me.
a.    was calling
b.    calls
c.    called

20.    I was writing journal when my brother   ……………………… game.
a.    played
b.    was playing
c.    plays

1.    b
2.    c
3.    a
4.    b
5.    b
6.    b
7.    a
8.    a
9.    c
10.    b
11.    c
12.    b
13.    c
14.    b
15.    a
16.    b
17.    b
18.    a
19.    c
20.    a


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