Semua Tentang Present Perfect Tense

A. Definisi
Present Perfect Tense adalah Tenses yang digunakan untuk menerangkan perbuatan yang telah selesai dilakukan secara sempurna, yang telah dilakukan dari waktu lampau yang tidak diketahui kapan terjadinya

A. Penggunaan
1. Untuk menggambarkan kejadian yang telah selesai atau telah terjadi di masa lalu yang tidak diketahui kapan terjadinya. 
* Bayu has sent me a letter.
* I have received a lot of book.

2. Untuk menyampaikan suatu kejadian yang baru saja lewat atau baru saja selesai.
* He has just got an accident.
* They have just finished playing tennis.

3. Untuk menyampaikan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah terjadi di masa lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai saat ini.
* I have read the magazine in this week.
* Persebaya has played football in this league for this season.

4. Untuk menyatakan hal atau pengalaman yang pernah kita alami
* I have ever been to Korea.
* Dian has studied two foreign languages.

C. Rumus /Pola Present Perfect Tense
S + have/has + Verb-3
I have told you 3 times.
S + have/has + been + nominal
The storm has gone.
S + have/has + not + Verb-3
I have not ever gone to Jogjakarta even once.
S + have/has + not + been + nominal
In 1703, Indonesia has not been a country.
Have/has + S + Verb-3
Have you already taken a bath?
Have/has + S + been + nominal
Has she been in school now?
D. Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense.
a. Don’t blame me if he hits you, I have warned you many times not to touch his girl.
b. The show has already started, you will be late if you go one hour later.
c. I have fixed this car three times, but no changes.
d. Roney has ever visited his fans in Indonesia once.
e. Don’t worry the snake is death, I have killed it just now.
f. Jessica has passed away five minutes ago when the medical team brought him to the hospital.
g. The phone has rung many times, but no one picked it up.
h. Andy has been there waiting for since this morning, you should meet him right now.
i. My son has celebrated his birthday, and now he is two years old.
j. The potter has brought my suitcases to the hotel. So I can go with no luggage now.

E. Tanda waktu yang sering dipergunakan dalam tenses ini 
Already : sudah selesai
Just : baru saja
Once/twice : sekali/dua kali
Since : sejak
As yet : hingga kini
Lately : akhir-akhir ini
Finally : akhirnya
Saveral time : beberapa kali
At last : akhirnya
This week : minggu ini
For week : selama seminggu
For an hour : selama satu jam

F. Exercises
Choose the Correct answer for the questions below.!
1. We have ............. three short stories so far
a.    write
b.    writed
c.    written
d.    writing
e.    wrote

2. He ............. been sick for a week
a.    has
b.    have
c.    had
d.    having
e.    to have

3. I have ............. that film twice
a.    saw
b.    seen
c.    seeing
d.    seed
e.    to see

4. ............. has bought a new refrigerator
a.    They
b.    I
c.    We
d.    She
e.    You

5. ............. you ever gone to Singapore?
a.    has
b.    had
c.    have
d.    having
e.    hadn't

6. I have ............. here for a long time
a.    be
b.    not
c.    has
d.    being
e.    been

7. ............. have lived in Jakarta for almost four years.
a.    They
b.    He
c.    My Sister
d.    She
e.    It

8. ............. your friend studied English for three days
a.    have
b.    had
c.    to have
d.    has
e.    to has

9. My brother has ............. his homework very well
a.    doing
b.    done
c.    did
d.    do
e.    does

10. My mother has ............. in the kitchen all day
a.    cooking
b.    cooks
c.    cooked
d.    to cook
e.    cook

Essay Exercise
Change the words inside the bracket to be corrected form!
1.    I have never (meet) her before.
2.    There have (be) a great number of accidents lately.
3.    Hermione has not (go) yet to beach.
4.    We have not (walk) to school for two days.
5.    She has (see) Harry since Monday.
6.    Have you ever (fly) to Bekasi?
7.    They have (hear) those songs recently.
8.    I have (forgive) him for my rudeness.
9.    My hens have (lay) ten eggs since Sunday.
10.    She has (wear) that dress a lot recently.
11.    Ron has (drive) a car for many years.
12.    My husband has (study) computers in evening classes.
13.    Drake has (accompany) his secretary to Tegal.
14.    I haven’t (meet) Yuna lately.
15.    The man has (pay) the workman every Saturday for five months.
16.    Has the train just (leave) the station?

1.    met
2.    been
3.    went
4.    walked
5.    seen
6.    flown
7.    heard
8.    forgiven
9.    laid
10.    worn
11.    driven
12.    studied
13.    accompanied
14.    met
15.    paid
16.    left


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