Semua Tentang Conditional Sentence


Conditional tenses are used to speculate about what could happen, what might have happened, and what we wish would happen. In English, most sentences using the conditional contain the word if. Many conditional forms in English are used in sentences that include verbs in one of the past tenses. 

This usage is referred to as "the unreal past" because we use a past tense but we are not actually referring to something that happened in the past. There are five main ways of constructing conditional sentences in English. In all cases, these sentences are made up of an if clause and a main clause. In many negative conditional sentences, there is an equivalent sentence construction using "unless" instead of "if".

Conditional sentence type    Usage                               If clause verb tens           Main clause verb tense
Zero                                    General truths                   Simple present                Simple present
Type 1                                A possible condition          Simple present                Simple future
                                           and its probable result
Type 2                                A hypothetical condition    Simple past                     Present conditional
                                           and its probable result                                             or Present continuous                                                                                                                                   conditional                   
Type 3 An unreal past condition     Past perfect Perfect conditional
                                           and its probable result in 
                                           the past
Mixed type An unreal past condition     Past perfect Present conditional
                                          and its probable result 
                                          in the present

The zero conditional is used for when the time being referred to is now or always and the situation is real and possible. The zero conditional is often used to refer to general truths. The tense in both parts of the sentence is the simple present. In zero conditional sentences, the word "if" can usually be replaced by the word "when" without changing the meaning.

If clause Main clause
If + simple present simple present
If this thing happens that thing happens.
If you heat ice  it melts.
If it rains the grass gets wet.


The type 1 conditional is used to refer to the present or future where the situation is real. The type 1 conditional refers to a possible condition and its probable result. In these sentences the if clause is in the simple present, and the main clause is in the simple future.

If clause Main clause
If + simple present simple future
If this thing happens that thing will happen.
If you don't hurry you will miss the train.
If it rains today you will get wet.


The type 2 conditional is used to refer to a time that is now or any time, and a situation that is unreal. These sentences are not based on fact. The type 2 conditional is used to refer to a hypothetical condition and its probable result. In type 2 conditional sentences, the if clause uses the simple past, and the main clause uses the present conditional.

If clause Main clause
If + simple past                        Present conditional or present continuous conditional
If this thing happened that thing would happen. (but I'm not sure this thing will                                                  happen) OR that thing would be happening.
If you went to bed earlier you would not be so tired.
If it rained you would get wet.
If I spoke Italian I would be working in Italy.


The type 3 conditional is used to refer to a time that is in the past, and a situation that is contrary to reality. The facts they are based on are the opposite of what is expressed. The type 3 conditional is used to refer to an unreal past condition and its probable past result. In type 3 conditional sentences, the if clause uses the past perfect, and the main clause uses the perfect conditional.

If clause Main clause
If + past perfect perfect conditional or perfect continuous conditional
If this thing had happened that thing would have happened. (but neither of those                                                                                    things really happened) OR that thing would have been happening.
If you had studied harder you would have passed the exam.
If it had rained you would have gotten wet.
If I had accepted that promotion I would have been working in Milan.


The mixed type conditional is used to refer to a time that is in the past, and a situation that is ongoing into the present. The facts they are based on are the opposite of what is expressed. The mixed type conditional is used to refer to an unreal past condition and its probable result in the present. In mixed type conditional sentences, the if clause uses the past perfect, and the main clause uses the present conditional.

If clause Main clause
If + past perfect or simple past present conditional or perfect conditional
If this thing had happened that thing would happen. (but this thing didn't happen so that thing isn't                                                           happening)
If I had worked harder at school I would have a better job now.
If we had looked at the map we wouldn't be lost.
If you weren't afraid of spiders you would have picked it up and put it outside.

Indonesia Version

A. Pengertian
Conditional sentence menurut rumus dan fungsinya dibagi menjadi 3 type, yaitu type 1, 2 dan 3. Yang dimaksud dengan Conditional Sentence itu sendiri adalah gabungan 2 kalimat dimana salah satunya adalah kalimat syarat, dan yang lainnya adalah akibat dari pelaksanaan syarat tersebut.

Misalnya, jika nanti aku lulus Ujian dengan nilai 10 semua, maka aku akan traktir semua teman-teman sekelas. Jika syarat lulus terpenuhi, maka akibatnya saya akan mentraktir, jika tidak lulus, maka saya tidak akan mentraktir. Jadi selalu ada Jika (If).

B. Fungsi Conditional Sentence.

Rumus Conditional Sentence terbagi ke dalam 3 type tergantung dari tingkat kemungkinan terjadinya atau terlaksananya syarat yang diajukan. (Jika kamu ingin mempelajari penjelasan secara lebih jelasnya silahkan klik conditional sentence sesuai yang kamu inginkan).

Conditional Sentence Type 1.

Conditional sentence type pertama ini dapat digunakan untuk membuat sebuah kalimat bersyarat yang masih masih memungkinkan sekali untuk dicapai syaratnya karena baru akan terjadi pada masa yang akan datang. Contoh: I will give you money if my car is sold. Saat mengucapkan mobilnya belum laku terjual dan ada peluang besar akan terjual sehingga peluang untuk memberikan uang masih besar.

Conditional Sentence Type 2.

Conditional sentence tipe kedua ini dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kalimat bersyarat yang kemungkinan terpenuhinya akan sulit.
Contoh: If I found your home, I would see you. Jika aku menemukan rumahmu, aku akan menemuimu tapi kenyataannya aku sulit menemukan rumahmu. Walaupun jika mau berusaha lebih keras bisa ketemu.

Conditional Sentence Type 3.

Conditional sentence type ketiga ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan kalimat bersyarat yang tidak mungkin dipenuhi karena masanya sudah lampau.
Contoh: If I had knew that your name is Salimah, I would not have gone to your wedding party. Kalau saja (waktu itu) aku tahu Salimah itu namamu, tak mungkin aku hadiri pesta perkawinanmu. Jadi sudah kadung datang dan niat untuk tidak menghadiri pesta perkawinan tidak bisa dipenuhi.

C. Rumus Conditional Sentence Type 1 2 3.

Conditional Sentence Type 1.
If + Subject + will + infinitive, Subject + verb-1.
Conditional Sentence Type 2.
If + Subject + would + infinitive, Subject + verb-2.
Conditional Sentence Type 3.
If + Subject + would + have + Verb-3, Subject + had + verb-3.


(Isilah bentuk kata kerja yang benar yang ada di dalam kurung pada setiap kalimat berikut ini)

If we had left the house earlier, they……………….(be; negative) so late getting to the ship.
If I finish the assignment before Saturday, I………………..(submit) it to my lecturer.
If I had seen the concert, I………………..(tell) you about it last night.
Had Juki not interfered in his brother’s marital problems, there…………………(be) peace between them.
She would give you the money if she……………………(have) it.
They would call you immediately if they………………….(need) help.
Had my mother arrived at the sale early, she……………….(find) a better dress.
If you have enough time, please…………………..(clean) your room before you go to school.
They could go for a drive if today…………………(be) Sunday.
If I win the prize, it will be because I………………………(write) very well.
If your sister………………….(buy) that chocolate for you, will you be happy?
If she…………………..(decide) earlier, she could have left on the morning flight.
Had I known his address, I…………….(write) him a letter.
If the roofer doesn’t come soon, the rain………………………(leak) inside.
My cat always sleeps if it……………………(watch) drama on TV.
If you………….(see) John tonight, please ask him to call his mother.
If I……………(do) a good job, I would get the raise.
My lecturer will not accept my work if I…………….(submit) it in late.
If we had known her, we……………………(talk) to her.
They would understand it if you……………….(explain) it to them more slowly.
I……………..(rich), I would travel around the world.
She would have understood her English teacher if she………………(speak) slowly.
If my headache disappeared, I……………………(play) tennis this morning.
If today………………….(be) Sunday, we could go to the beach.
We……………….(go) tonight if we didn’t have to study.
If the fireman hadn’t arrived earlier, they…………………(save; negative) the house.
Peter……………..(pass) the examination if he studied well.
Roni could win the competition if he…………………(practice) more.
We wouldn’t know that our parents came if my teacher………………..(tell; negative) us.
Don’t expect too much if you………………(want) to be happy.
Had I known that Desti was a liar, I………………(tell) my secret.
If she………………(know) there was a test, she would have prepared for it well.
We……………..(do) our work if our computer had not broken down.
If he…………….(be) more confident during the interview, he might have the job he wanted.
They would have lost their bag if they…………………..(leave) it in the hotel.

  1. would not have been
  2. can submit
  3. would have told
  4. would have been
  5. had
  6. needed
  7. would have found
  8. clean
  9. were
  10. write
  11. buy
  12. had decided
  13. would have written
  14. leaks
  15. watches
  16. see
  17. did
  18. submit
  19. would have talked
  20. explained
  21. were
  22. had spoken
  23. could play
  24. were
  25. would go
  26. would not have saved
  27. would pass
  28. practiced
  29. did not tell
  30. want
  31. would not have told
  32. had known
  33. had done
  34. were
  35. had left

Soal Conditional Sentence Type 1

1. If Risa … on time, I will be happy.
a. Come
b. Comes
c. Came

2. If Risa has much time, she will … you.
a. Help
b. Helps
c. Helped

3. If you … study hard, you will not pass the test.
a. Didn’t
b. Doesn’t
c. Don’t

4. If the game … good, I will … it.
a. Are – play
b. Is – plays
c. Is – play

5. If I … much money, I will … a new smartphone.
a. Has – buy
b. Have – buy
c. Have – buys

6. If she …. , I won’t be angry.
a. Don’t come
b. Don’t comes
c. Doesn’t come
d. Doesn’t comes

7. If I can reach the target, my boss will give me reward.
a. Benar
b. Salah

8. My boss will give me reward, if I can reach the target.
a. Benar
b. Salah

9. If I invite you, will you come?
a. Benar
b. Salah

10. What will you do if you miss the plane?
a. Benar
c. Salah

Soal Conditional Sentence Type 2

1. If you … harder, you would … the exam.
a. Studied – Passed.
b. Study – Passed.
c. Studied – Pass.
d. Study – Pass.

2. If my father … me a new car, I would … happy.
a. Bought – Be.
b. Bought – Been.
c. Buy – Been.
d. Buys – Being.

3. If we … good, the coach would … us.
a. Was – Chose.
b. Were – Chosen.
c. Was – Choose.
d. Were – Choose.

4. I would go and see her if I … you.
a. Was.
b. Were.
c. Been.
d. Being.

5. I would buy a yacht if I … a lot of money.
a. Have.
b. Has.
c. Had.

6. If he … lots of chocolate, he would … bad teeth.
a. Eat – Had.
b. Ate – Had.
c. Ate – Have.
d. Eaten – Have.

7. My boss would … very pleased if I finished the job.
a. Be.
b. Been.
c. Was.
d. Were.

8. If you had a million dollars, what would did you do?
a. Benar.
b. Salah.

9. He could go to the concert if you gave him your ticket.
a. Benar.
b. Salah.

10. If the police had come earlier, they would have arrested the burglar.
a. Benar.
b. Salah.

Soal Conditional Sentence Type 3

1. If Budi …. me, I …. emailed the documents.
a. Has ask – Would have
b. Had asked – Would have
c. Has asked – Would have

2. If our team had … the match, they would have … up in the league.
a. Won – Moved
b. Win – Moved
c. Winned – Moved

3. If I had …. you were coming, I would have prepared a delicious meal.
a. Known
b. Knew
c. Knowed

4. They would have played football if the weather had …. nice.
a. Be
b. Being
c. Been

5. If they had taken him to hospital earlier, he …..
a. Would have die
b. Would have died
c. Wouldn't have died

6. The game would have …. better if the trainer had …. a substitute in during the second half.
a. Become – Sent
b. Became – Send
c. Became – Sended

7. If the boys had …. the bus to school, they would have arrived on time.
a. Take
b. Taken
c. Taked

8. If you had …. to the meeting yesterday, you would have met Shinta.
a. Came
b. Come

9. Jika polisi datang lebih awal, mereka akan menangkap pencurinya.
a. If the police had come earlier, they would have arrested the burglar.
b. If the police had came earlier, they would have arrested the burglar.

10. Jika cuaca lebih baik akhir pekan lalu, kita akan pergi ke pantai.
a. If the weather had been better last weekend, we would have gone to the beach.
b. If the weather had been better last weekend, we would have went to the beach.


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