Expressing Surprise (Menyatakan Rasa Terkejut)

A. Pengertian. Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Expressing Surprise

Expressing Surprise used to express our surprise of thing that recently known by us. (Expressing Surprise digunakan untuk menunjukkan rasa terkejut atas sesuatu yang baru didengar atau diketahui.)

Dialog atau percakapan expressing surprise ini sering terjadi dalam keseharian kita. Surprise itu sendiri artinya terkejut. Hal yang tidak kita sangka terjadi membuat kita terkejut dan diekspresikan dalam bentuk kata-kata atau kalimat. Berikut adalah beberapa ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa digunakan ketika kita terkejut:

This is how you express your face when you are surprised:

That is suprised !
What is suprised !
Oh, my god !
My goodness !
Oh God ! / Oh Boy  ! / Oh No ! / Oh Dear !
Is that so?
Really? I was totally clueless on this!
You must be kidding me (joking)!
What a surprise!
That’s amazing!
That’s extraordinary!
Good heavens!
My goodness!
Are you serious?
You must be joking?
I don’t believe it!
Fancy that!

B. Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Expressing Surprise.

Contoh 1:

A : It’s hard for me to tell you the truth, but I think you should know what I saw yesterday.
B : You make me curious, just tell me.
A : I saw John, your boy friend and a girl were having dinner in a romantic restaurant.
B : Are you kidding? That’s not true.
A : Listen, I know it’s hard for you to believe, but I saw them with my own eyes.
B : Oh my god.. He always tells me that there is no one in his heart but me.
A : Oh.. came on. He is not only guy in this word. Take it easy.
B : Hmm.. You alright, Besides, he is not handsome to be my boy friend.
A : You’re right. Let’s go to the class. The bell is ringing.

Contoh 2:

C : Do you know where John is now? I don’t see him for three days.
D : Don’t you know that John’s got fever? he has been in International hospital for two days.
C : You must be kidding me, that’s impossible, I met him yesterday.
D : Are you sure that some one you met is John? Because he has a twin brother, his name is Joni.
C : Oh, Really? I never know it. Do you have a plan to visit John in hospital?
D : Now, I am going to International hospital to visit him. Let’s go together then.
C : OK. May I get a free ride with you?
D : Of course, why not.

Contoh 3:

E : Your hand is bleeding F, what happen with you?
F : I was on my way home with my mother by my car, then a truck hit my car from behind.
E : What? Oh, my god! is your mother ok?
F : Her forehead hit dashboard of my car, but she is fine now, because I always bring balm oil in my first aid box. I have smeared with it.
E : Then why you don’t cure your wound to a doctor?
F : This is no problem, the wound is not to bad. I just need iodine and bandage to cover.
E : Wait a minute, I’ll take for you.
F : Okay, thanks a lot.
E : Don’t mention it.


Listy : Do you still remember Ridwan, our friend in SMP? He is a physics teacher now.

Ratih : It’s really unbelievable! He didn’t like physics when he was in SMP, did he?


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