Expressing Obligation/Non Obligation (Menyatakan Keharusan/Ketidak Harusan)

Expressing obligation

When it is necessary or obligatory to do something, you express obligation.

Obligation in the present:

I have to finish my work before this evening.
I have got to learn English if I want to live in the USA.
I must see the doctor soon because I don't feel well.
It is obligatory that I stop when the traffic light turn red.
It is necessary that I take a taxi. I'm late.
Obligation in the past:

I had to work extra hours to pay my bills.
Obligation in the future:

I'll have to borrow money.

Things to remember:

1.The difference between "Have to" and "must" is that "have to"indicates that someone else has imposed conditions on us.

2. The simple past of "must" is "had to".

3. The simple future of "must" is "will have to".

4. Should also expresses obligation. But there is a difference between must / have to and should:

must / have to = 100% obligation. "When the traffic light turn red, you must stop."
should = 50% obligation. It's more an advice than an obligation. " You look tired. you should have a rest."

Policeman: Don't you know that you must stop when the traffic lights are red?
Driver: Sorry sir. I was so absent-minded that I didn't pay attention to the traffic lights.
Policeman: Well sir, you'll have to pay a fine!

Expression of Obligation:
All students must obey the school rules.
If you want pass the exam, you must study hard.
You’re sick. You have to see the doctor.
Your mother said that you had to go home now.

Expression of Non Obligation:
I don’t have to go home soon.
The workers must not have lunch at the canteen.
The child doesn’t have to do all the housework by himself.


Tina     : Bert, what is our task?

Albert  : Well, we must interview some foreigners in Prambanan Temple.

Tina     : Should we interview a certain number of them?

Albert  : Well, about three or four are enough.

Tina     : Should we present the result orally or in written?

Albert  : Orally.

Tina     : Okay, thanks.


Put the words in the correct order to form a grammatically correct sentence. The answers are located just below the exercise.

tax/returns/by/finished/April 15th./All/be/must
before/closes./post office/She/go/to/has/to/got/it/the


Is it obligatory to file electronically?
It is necessary to keep copies of your tax returns.
When will we need to file taxes next year?
I must send my taxes today.
All tax returns must be finished by April 15th.
She has got to go to the post office before it closes.
Did you complete our taxes, or do I have to do it?
My father has to pay additional taxes this year.
Do you need to file taxes?
Her grandmother does not have to pay any more taxes.


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