Expression Of Requesting Something (Meminta Sesuatu)

When you ask someone to do something for you, or ask if you can do something, it's important to sound polite. Here are some of the common ways that you can do this.

Asking someone to do something for you
"Could you open the door for me, please?"

"Would you mind opening the door for me, please?"

"Can you open the door for me, please?'

Speaking tip: could and can are followed by the verb without to. (See our page on modal auxiliary verbs for more grammar information.)

Would you mind is followed by the verb and -ing.

Asking if you can do something
"Can I use your computer, please?"

"Could I borrow some money from you, please?"

"Do you mind if I turn up the heating?"

"Would you mind if I turned up the heating?"

Speaking tip: Could is more polite that can.

Do you mind if…" is followed by the verb in the present tense, but would you mind if… is followed by the verb in the past tense.

When you're using these two sentences, don't use please. It's already polite enough!

Offering to do something for another person
You can make an offer using a phrase like Can I… ?, Shall I… ?, Would you like me to… ?

For example:

"Can I help you?"

"Shall I open the window for you?"

"Would you like another coffee?"

"Would you like me to answer the phone?"

"I'll do the photocopying, if you like."

Shall, can and will are followed by the verb without to.

Shall is particularly British English and is more formal than can. Would you like… is followed either by a noun, or by an object pronoun and the verb with to.

Responding to offers

These English dialogues show you ways to accept or reject offers made to you.

"Can I help you?"
"Yes please. I'd like to know what time the train leaves."

"Can I help you?"
"No thanks, I'm just looking." (In a shop.)

"Shall I open the window for you?"
"Yes please. That would be very kind of you."

"Would you like another coffee?"
"No thanks." Or, "No thank you."

"Would you like another coffee?"
"Yes please, that would be lovely." Or, "Yes please, I'd love one."

"Would you like me to answer the phone?"
"If you wouldn't mind." Or, "If you could."
(Don't answer "Yes, I would", as this sounds like you expect someone to do it for you.)

"I'll do the photocopying, if you like."
"It's OK, I can do it." Or, "Don't worry, I'll do it.

"Or, "Thank you, that would be great."

Requesting Something:
Would you mind explaining once again?
Would you pass me the ketchup?
Do it for me, please.
Can I have a glass of drink?

Not at all.
Here you are.
Sorry, I can’t.


Benny  : Whose book is this?

Rose    : It’s mine.

Benny  : May I borrow it? I do really want too read it.

Rose    : Here you are.

Contoh Dialog Expressing Bahasa Inggris Request.

Contoh 1:

Guest  : Instead of herbal tea, do you happen to have diarrhea drug?
Staff    : I’m sorry ma’am, but herbal tea is all we have at the moment.
Guest  : Could I get some more weights added to this machine. This is no challenge at all.
Staff    : I’ll get more weight right away. How much more?
Guest  : Could you fill out the form for me. I hurt my writing hand?
Staff    : Of course sir. First, how do you spell your family name?

Contoh 2:

Sales          : What I can do for you sir?
Customer : I am looking for a good pants. Would you mind take me some? so I can compare each others.
Sales          : No, please wait a minute, I will take them for you. (Sales takes some pants into storeroom)
Customer : Ok, thank you. But could you turn on the air conditioner please? I feel so hot.
Sales          : My pleasure sir.


Find the mistake in each of these dialogues and correct it.

1. A: Is alright if I close the window?

B: Yes, go ahead.

2. A: Do you think could you turn your music down?

B: Yes, of course, sorry.

3. A: Would you helping me with my suitcase?

B: I’m sorry, but I’ve got a bad back.

4. A: Could I pass the salt please?

B: Yes, here you are.

5. A: Can I speak to you for a minute?

B: Yes, I’m afraid so.

6. A: Will you to get me my glasses please?

B: Sure.

7. A: Do you mind I go now?

B: No, that’s fine. We’ve nearly finished.

8. A: Would you mind taking this book to the library?

B: Yes, I would. I’m going there anyway.

9. A: Could you possible hold my umbrella for a minute?

B: Of course.

10. A: Would you mind look after Jane for an hour?

B: I’m afraid I can’t. I’m just going out.

Read the situations and make the requests.

1. You want to pay by credit card.

2. You want to borrow your friend’s camera.

3. You didn’t hear what your classmate’s said. You want her to say it again.

4. You’ve written a letter in English. You want your teacher to check it.

5. You can’t hear what your flat mate is saying because of the radio. You want him to turn it down.

6. You need Rp. 50.000. You want your colleague to lend it to you.

7. You haven’t finished your essay. You want to give it to your teacher a day late.

8. You need to use your colleague’s computer.

9. Your friends asks you to go to the cinema with her. You can’t tell her until tomorrow.

10. You want to your friend to turn the light on.


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