Expression Of Giving Suggestion (Memberi Saran)

Giving Suggestion:

Why don’t you …?
We’d better have a break for lunch now.
I think you should …
Perhaps you need …

It’s a good idea.
That’s a good idea.
You’re right.
Good idea.


Benny  : I’m going to do my office assignment.

Rose    : But it’s a lovely day, dear. Why don’t we go for a walk?

Benny  : Can you wait for a few minutes? I have to finish my letter.

Rose    : Don’t take too long.

Asking Suggestions: 

- What do you recommend we do about .....?
  - What would you advices us to do?
  - Do you have any suggestions?
  - What would you do about ...?
  - What do you think I should do?
  - What do you suggest?
  - Would you like to .....
  - Shall we go ....   

Giving Suggestions: 

- I would recommend that you ....
  - My advice would be to ...
  - May I suggest that we ...
  - If I were you, I would ....
  - I think you should ....
  - Maybe you should ...
  - Why do not you ...

example :
John : Hi John , would you like to do something with me this weekend ?
Jane : Sure . What shall we do ?
John : I do not know . Do you have any ideas ?
Jane : Why do not we see a movie ?
John : That's sounds good to me . Which movie shall we see ?
Jane : Let's see " Action Man 4 " .
John : I'd rather not . I do not like violent films . How about going to " Mad Doctor Brown " ? I hear it's quite a funny movie .
Jane : OK . Let 's go see that . When is it on ?
John : It 's on at 8 o'clock at the Rex . Shall we have a bite to eat before the movie ?
Jane : Sure , that sounds great . What about going to that new Italian restaurant ' Michetti 's ' ?
John : Great idea ! Let 's meet there at six .
Jane : OK . I'll see you at ' Michetti 's ' at six . Bye .
John : Bye 


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