Expressing Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction (Menyatakan Rasa Puas/ Tidak Puas)

1. Expressing Satisfaction

Expressing Satisfaction: expressing good feeling; sense of comfort or happiness. Use to express satisfaction.

When we are happy after we see a concert and we are really contented with the performance, when we are happy about our result of exam we must feel satisfied.

The expression that you can use:
- Formal Situations :
1. …to be + very pleased with …
2. … to be + content with …
3. … to be + satisfied with …
4. … to be + very delighted …

- Informal Situations :
1. Super!
2. Great!
3. Terrific!
4. Fantastic!
5. Smashing!
6. Perfect!
7. Everything is fine.
8. Good enough.

2. Expressing Dissatisfaction

Expressing Dissatisfaction: expressing lack of satisfaction. Use to express dissatisfaction.When we do not get as enough as we hope and feel disappointed with some conditions, we must be dissatisfied.

The expression that you can use:

-  Formal Situations :
1. … to be + displeased with …
2. … to be + discontented with …
3. … to be + dissatisfied with …
4. … to be + disappointed with …
5. I’m not satisfied with…

- Informal Situations :
1. Horrible!
2. Very sad!
3. Annoying!
4. Disappointing!
5. Frustrating!

Examples of Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction          :

Asking about satisfaction
-          how do you like your room?
-          is everything O.K ?
-          is everything satisfactory ?
-          are you satisfied?

Asking about dissatisfaction
-          Do you want to complain about something?
-          Was something not to your satisfaction ?
-          Are you dissatisfied with something?
-          Did you find our service satisfactory ?

Expressing satisfaction
-          I really like my new hair cut
-          I’m completely satisfied with everything you’ve done for me.
-         It was satisfactory.
-         It was okay. Not too bad.

Expressing dissatisfaction
-          It is disappointing that.!
-          It is unacceptable
-          This is the limit I won't take any more of...
-          Well, this is most unsatisfactory.
-          The concert is so boring.
-          What an awful meeting
-          It's not as good as I thought.

Example dialog Expressing Satisfaction :

Dialog 1
Amy: What do you think about this food?

Dani: It is very delicious. I am completely statisfied.

Amy: I agree

Dani: I think everyone also like it.

Dialog 2
Waiter: Are you statisfied with our food?

Dani: I want to make a complaint. It is very salty.

Waiter: I am sorry Sir. Wi will change with the new one.

Dialog 3

Putri         : How’s your vacation in Lombok, Yuli ?
Yuli          : It was  terrific! The beaches are beautiful.
Putri         : Really? What else did you do there?
Yuli          : Oh, I went parasailing! It was the most breath-taking thing that I’ve ever done.
Agnes       : Wow, it must be a very fun trip for you.
Putri         : Yes,I’m very satisfied with my vacation there. You must go there.
Yuli          : Yes, I think I’ll do that.

Dialog 4

Tiara   : Tata, I thought you were on vacation.
Tata    : Well, I got back early.
Tiara   : Why?
Tata    : Well,I didn’t really enjoy being there.
Tiara   : What happened?
Tata    : Well, the beach was very dirty, and when I got there it was raining
                 heavily.What made it worse was the hotel where I stayed had a bad service.
Tiara   : You seem to be unhappy with your vacation.
Tata    : Yes, I’m quite displeased about it .

Dialog 5

•Robert  : How do you feel about this food?
•Terry     : Wow….. I am very satisfied. It’s very       delicious. Great!
•Robert   : Yes, I think so. Would you have anymore?
•Terry     : Yes, of course.
•Robert   : I will take some for my younger sister. She’ll be very happy.
•Terry     : Yeah and I will take for my mom at home.
•Robert   :  OK. Let’s go home. I never feel satisfied  before.
•Terry     : So am I.
Expressing Dissatisfaction Dialogue
•Paul       : Have you read today’s newspaper?
•James   : Not yet. Is it interesting?
•Paul      : Yes, the apology from the company. Take a look. The paper is over there.
•James   : (Picking up the newspaper and starting to  read it) Is that all?
•Paul      : Yes.
•James   : This is not enough. I’m not satisfied yet. The size of the ads should have been half  of the page. Besides, the company only apologized but they didn’t mention what they would do.


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