Asking For, Giving And Refusing to Give Permission (Izin)

Asking for and giving permission:

When you ask for permission to use something that belongs to someone else you have to do your best to be polite. It is desirable to use the word "please."

In expressing asking for, giving and refusing permission there are some common phrases such as 

Asking for Permission:

Can I go out, please?
May I open the window, please?
Please, can I have a look at your photo album?
Please, may I taste that hot spicy couscous dish?
Do you mind if I smoke?
Would you mind if I asked you something?
Is it okay if I sit here?
Would it be all right if I borrowed your mobile Phone?
Can I...?
Is it okay if...?
May I...?
Could I...?
Would you mind if...?
Giving permission :
Yes, you can.
Go ahead.
Yes, you may.
I don't mind.
No problem.

Giving Permission:

permissionYes, please do.
Sure, go ahead.
No problem.
Please feel free.

Refusing to give permission:

No, please don’t.
I’m sorry, but that’s not possible.
I'm afraid, but you can't.
I'm afraid not.
No, I think.
No, you cannot.
You couldn't do that.
Sorry, you are not permitted.


Liza, eight years old, is asking her mother for permission to use the computer...

Liza: Please mum, can I use the computer?
Her mother: No, dear you can't. It's time to go to bed.
Liza: May I read a story before I sleep?
Her mother: Sure! But try to sleep early.
Liza: Thanks a lot mummy.

On the Train

Armand: Excuse me. Would you mind my opening that window?
Bryan: Not at all, please go ahead.
Armand: Thank you. It’s very hot here.
Bryan: True. Can I take some water from your pitcher?
Armand: Certainly. Can I have that magazine for a while?
Bryan: I’m sorry, I haven’t finished reading it. I’ll give it to you as soon as I’ve finished.
Armand: Thank you.

Between Friends

Roman: HI Bobby! Would you mind I kept this here?
Bobby: Not at all.
Roman: I’ll come back around eleven. Is it ok?
Bobby: Fine. I may not be here then. But Cindy will be.
Roman: Fine. Shall I keep it in that corner?
Bobby: Oh, yes. It’s safer there.

At the Meeting

Ryan: Excuse me. If you don’t mind, I’d like to make a suggestion.
Mark: Please go ahead.
Ryan: It would be a good idea if we considered the latest developments in the field
 while examining the project proposal.
Mark: The latest developments? Could you give me more details?


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