Expressing Pleasure/Displeasure (Menyatakan Rasa Senang/Tidak Senang)

Expression of Pleasure

If we are pleased with something, we can use the following expressions :
It is delightful (marvelous, fascinating, enjoyable).
I had a splendid time.
That’s wonderful.
I’m very pleased with it.
I’m delighted to hear that.
It gives me pleasure.That’s great!
Isn’t this great?
It’s a pleasure!
Oh what a pleasant.......!
That’s wonderful!
It’s really delightful!
I’m so delighted.

It’s really greate pleasure!

Expression of Displeasure

If we are displeased, we can use the following expressions :
I can’t stand with .....
I’m really displeased with....
I’m dissapointed with .....
What a terrible ........ !
How teribble .....!
We are fed up with displeased.
 I feel dissapointed.
It was very poor.
It’s a shame.
That’s too bad.
I was very disappointed.
Oh no.
Oh, hell no.
What a nuisance!
I really hate…….
It really makes me angry.
I’m very annoyed.
I can’t stand ……..
I’m feed up with …..
I’m extremely displeased to …….

B.     Telephone Conversation

Formal :
Hello, It’s ..... (your name)
May I help you?
Good morning.... (your name)
Informal :
Hello, it’s ..... (your name). Who is it?
Hello, ........ (your name) speaking.

Nice talking to you.
Thanks for your calling.
May I call you latter?
May I call you sometimes later?
Good bye.


Dialog 1

Mira: Hello, whom I am identifying with?

Lala: Hello, I am Lala.

Mira: Anything I could do Lala?

Lala: I just wanna say an abundance of thanks for you.

Mira: For what Lala?

Lala: It speaks the truth your blessing. I have opened it. What’s more, I truly cherish it.

Mira: I am so upbeat to hear that. I seek it will be valuable after you.

Lala: It is so helpful for me. It is my pleasure to call you Lala. See you soon.

Mira: Bye.

Dialog 2

Putra: Rio, how would you feel at your new office

Rio: It is more solace than some time recently. You should Dani?

Putra: I am so energized. My office is extremely solace and The imperative thing is my compensation is greater than my past employment.

Fadhil: Oh perhaps you can treat me now.

Dani: It doesn’t make a difference Rio, for festivity our new occupation.


Aini           : Hello, Aini speaking. Can I help you?

Ali             : Hi, Aini. Do you remember me?

Aini           : You are Ali, aren’t you? I’m so delighted to speak with you again. How are you?

Ali             : I’m OK. How about you?

Aini           : Very well, thanks.

Ali             : What do you do now?

Aini           : I’m a doctor in Local Hospital in Tasikmalaya.

Ali             : That’s great. I’m happy to hear that.

Aini           : Ali, it is very nice to talk with you, but I have to do something now.

Ali             : Never mind. May I call you sometimes later?

Aini           : Yes, of course.

Ali             : Good bye

Aini           : Bye

Study this dialog. Pay close attention to the underlined expression!

John is Melanie’s classmate. He didn’t come to a meeting held in previous day. So, he asked Melanie about the meeting.

JOHN              : “How was the meeting yesterday, Mel? Did you enjoy it?”

MELANI         : “Yes I did. It was really delightful.”

JOHN              : “Were there a lot of people there?”

MELANI         : “Of course. You know, the meeting was attended by more than fifty students. The discussion was not only conducted by Mr. Joko but also Mr. Johnson. He is a native speaker from England. You know what? I was chosen to sing our national anthem before the meeting.”
JOHN              : “Wow that was fantastic. I wish I was there at that time.”

MELANI         :  “You really should be there John.”


Karel         : Good morning, it’s Karel. Who is it?

Kinan        : I am Kinan. Can I speak to Kugy?

Karel         : Wait a moment, please. Kugyyyyy (scream)

Kugy         : Hi, Kugy speaking.

Kinan        : I’m really displeased to wait so long.

Kugy         : Hehe, I’m sorry. I must go downstairs before.

Kinan        : OK, I see.

Kugy         : Nan, I think I can’t speak too long. I get stomachache.

Kinan        : Oh, It’s really dissapointed.

Kugy         : I’ll call you later. Bye

Kinan        : Bye.


In Pairs, make a dialogue for one of the situations given. Then, perform it infront of the class!

Situation 1

Student A

You are a Caller. Call you friend and ask him/her about your plan to go to Galunggung Mount. Your friend can’t go because of his/her illness. Express your displeasure.

Student B

Your friend call you and ask you about your plan to go to to Galunggung Mount. You can’t go because you are sick.

Situation 2

Student A

You are a caller. You study at foreign country. You plan to return to Indonesia in this week.

Student B

Your friend who study at foreign country calls you. He/she plan to return to Indonesia in this week. Express your pleasure.

Situation 3

Student A

You are a caller. You call your friend and tell her/him that you will get married a month later.

Student B

Your friend call you. She/he tells that she/he will get married. Express your pleasure. 

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