Expressing Agreement/Disagreement (Menyataan Persetujuan/ Ketidaksetujuan)

Agreement and Disagreement

Ungkapan Setuju
I agree = saya setuju
I agree with you = saya setuju dengan Anda
I couldn’t agree with you more = saya sangat setuju dengan Anda
That’s so sure = Benar sekali
Abesolutely! = Benar sekali!
You’re absolutely right! = Anda benar sekali!
That’s exactly what I think = Hal itu tepat seperti yang saya pikirkan
Exactly! = Tepat sekali!
I’m afraid I agree with him = Saya rasa saya setuju dengan dia
I have to side with you on this one = Saya harus berpihak pada Anda untuk yang satu ini
No doubt about it = Tidak ada keraguan mengenai hal itu
Tell me about it! (Bahasa Slang, bermakna setuju)
I guess so, I suppose so = Saya kira begitu (Setuju tapi tidak terlalu yakin)
I was going to say that = Saya tadi ingin bilang begitu
I am with you = Saya sependapat dengan Anda

Ungkapan tidak setuju
I don’t think so = Saya rasa tidak…
No way! = Tidak setuju! (Ungkapan tidak setuju yang kuat)
I’m afraid I disagree with that = Saya rasa saya tidak setuju dengan hal itu
I totally disagree = Saya sangat tidak setuju
I beg to differ = Saya ingin berpendapat berbeda
I’d say the exact opposite = Saya ingin berpendapat sebaliknya (Ungkapan tidak setuju yang kuat)
That’s not always true = Itu tak selalu benar
Not necessarily = Itu tidak penting
That’s not always the case = itu bukan selalu masalahnya
No, I’m not sure about that = Tidak, saya tidak yakin dengan hal itu

Contoh Conversation Expression Of Agreement And Disagreement
Contoh 1

Andrew : What do you think about math? apa yang kamu fikirkan tentang matematika?

Caterine : Actually, it is very easy to learn. Do you think so? (sebenarnya, itu sangat mudah untuk dipelajari. Apakah kamu berfikiran yang sama)

Andrew : I don’t think so. I have troubles when I study about it. I always get bad score. (saya tidak sependapat. Saya memiliki masalah ketika saya belajar tentangnya.Saya selalu memperoleh nilai yang buruk)

Caterine : If you will get good score, you have to practice exercise everyday. (jika kamu ingin memperoleh nilai baik, kamu harus mengerjakan latihan setiap hari)

Andrew : I am with you. But I do not have friends to discuss together. (Aku sependapat. Tetapi saya tidak punya teman-teman untuk berdiskusi bersama right)

Caroline : You can join with me if  you want to learn about it. Please come to my house if you have  free time to learn math. (kamu bisa bergabung dengan ku jika kamu ingin belajar tentang nya. Silahkan datang ke rumahku jika kamu memiliki waktu luang untuk belajar matematika)

Andrew : Okey, I agree. By the way. My friends say that they can learn math  without practice the questions. (baiklah, saya setuju. Omong-omong. Temanku bilang bahwa mereka bisa belajar matematika tanpa latihan soal)

Caroline : That’s true. But not all of people can do it. Practice is more important, than remember of pattern. (Itu benar, tetapi tidak semua orang bisa melakukannya. Latihan adalah lebih penting dari pada mengihafal rumus)

Andrew : You are absolutely right (saya sungguh setuju)

Contoh 2

Class Vacation

agreementYoga : So, class. Now we are going to deliberate our concern about where we are going to head for our class vacation. So, who comes up with the idea first?

Habibi : I will vote for Anyer Beach. Anyer Beach is one of the nearest beaches we can visit.

Yoga : So, class. Is there anyone who disagrees with Anyer Beach?

Jenny : Um, I am not sure about that. Last vacation our class had gone to Anyer Beach. I think we should see other options.

Habibi : Oh yeah! You’re right, I forgot about that.

Jefri : Well, I’m suggesting Kebun Raya Bogor

Kania : I agree with you, Jefri. I have never been there myself.

Geri : Me too, I am with you, Kania. Seeing great trees and plants must be exciting. Kebun Raya Bogor is like a great jungle in the middle of town.

Sarah : I’m sorry guys. I think I will disagree with that. It’s rainy season now. And as you know, Kebun Raya Bogor is located in Bogor which is the city of rain. And seeing the intensity of rainfall throughout Indonesia lately, I think we might not be able to explore the whole Kebun Raya Bogor due to the rain.

Tio : I think what Sarah said is right. Kebun Raya Bogor is not the best place to visit during this heavy rainy season

Yoga : Well, are there any other options?

Fauzi : How about Bali?

Habibi : No way! I don’t have enough money to go to Bali

Sarah : Habibi is right, Fauzi. It’s really costly to pick Bali as an option.

Yoga : Okay, class. To save the time, now let’s just write your idea into a piece of paper and we will deliberate in the next occasion. Thank you.


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