Wish And Hope (Keinginan/Harapan)

Penjelasan Penggunaan Wish dan Hope Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Ayo kita mulai dengan bagian yang termudah terlebih dahulu. “I wish to” dapat mempunyai arti yang sama dengan”I want to” Tetapi itu akan lebih terdengar formal dan terdengar terdengar jarang. Simak contohnya dalam kalimat dibwah ini.

I wish to make a delicious coffe.
I wish to see the leader of this company.
Kamu juga dapat menggunakan ‘wish’ dengan noun atau kata benda untuk mengucapkan harapan yang baik or good wishes’.

We wish you a merry Christmas.
I wish you all the best in your effort.
Perhatikan bahwa ketika Anda ingin mengungkapkan keinginan baik menggunakan kata kerja, Anda harus menggunakan ‘hope’ dan bukan ‘wish’ .

We wish you the best of lucky.
We hope you have the best of lucky.
I wish you a safe and pleasant trip.
I hope you have a safe and pleasant trip.
penggunaan wish dan hope

Namun, penggunaan utama ‘wish ‘ adalah untuk mengatakan bahwa kita ingin hal yang berbeda dari apa yang mereka dapatkan sekarang, bahwa kita memiliki penyesalan tentang situasi sekarang.

I wish I got rich.
She wishes she lived in Tokyo.
We wish we’d chosen a different president.
Perhatikan bahwa kata kerja tegang yang mengikuti ‘I wish’ lebih banyak di masa lalu ‘ daripada di waktu sesuai dengan maknanya.

She is too thin. She wish she was fat.
He never get invited to parties. He wish he got invited to parties.
It is raining. I wish it was sunny.
I went to see the latest Divergent film. I wish I had not gone.
I havee eaten too much. I wish I had noteaten so much.
She is going to visit me later. She wish she is going to visit me later.
Dalam kasus penggunaan “Will” dimana “will” berarti menunjukkan keinginan, kita gunakan “would”.

She will not help him. She wish she would help him.
They are making too much noise. They wish they would be quiet.
You keep disrupting me. I wish you would notdo that.
Ketika “will” berarti kejadian di masa depan, kita tidak dapat mebggunakan “wish” dan harus menggunakan “hope”.

There is a examination tomorrow. I hope some buses willstill be runing
I hope everything will be ok in your new job.
Dalam Bahasa inggris yang formal, kita menggunakan bentuk subjunctive “were” dan bukan “was” setelah “wish”.

I wish I were smarter.
I wish it were sunday today.
I wish the choice were a little easier.

Contoh Dialog Pertama:
A: Hello Anna, will you come to Rita’s house tonight?
B: I am afraid I can’t.
A: Why? Do you wanna go to with your boyfriend.
B: No, my father is sick. I have to make sure that somebody can take him care before I go.
A: I am so sorry to hear that and I hope your father gets better as soon as possbile.
B: Thank for your hope.
A: You’re welcome Anna.

Contoh Dialog Kedua:
A: What’s going on? You look sad.
B: Nothing.
A: Tell me, I know that you are having a trouble.
B: Would you like to listen?
A: I always be here.
B: My father has a debt, a very big debt, and we must pay it next week.
A: Oh my God. I wish your family can fix this soon.
B: Thank you.
A: No problem.

Contoh Dialog Ketiga:
A: Do you know the man sitting over there?
B: Yes, he is the buthcer.
A: I heard a sad story from him.
B: What is that? Would you like to tell me?
A: But you have to keep this secret.
B: Yes I will.
A: My father is doctor and the butcher checked his health to my father.
B: And then?
A: My father told me that the butcher has a cancer in his lung.
B: Really?
A: Yes, and the butcher doesn’t want his family know this, so that’s why I asked you to keep this secret.
B: Oh my God. Let’s hope for the best. He is a good man.

Contoh Dialog Keempat:
(on the phone)
A: I couldn’t find you at school yesterday.
B: Of course, I didn’t come.
A: Really? Why?
B: I was sick. I got a fever and my father brought me to the hospital to check whether I got dengue fever or not.
A: And then? It’s negative, right?
B: Yes, but I am still sick right now.
A: I am sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.
B: Thank you. I hope so.

Contoh Dialog Kelima:
A: What I really want is to have a car.
B: Buy it now. Your father is a rich man. You’d be easy to ask a car.
A: No. I don’t want. I wish I can buy it by my money.
B: I don’t believe you can do that.
A: I will prove it. Next year this dream will come true.
B: Yeah, I wish.

Contoh Dialog Keenam:
A: Tomorrow my lil brother will celebrate his birthday.
B: Good. I hope he has a nice birthday party.
A: Thank you. You should come.
B: I am sorry, I can’t go anywhere tomorrow.
A: You have a job in your home?
B: Yes, there will be my cousin and my mother ask me to take him care.
A: Oh I see. Ok no problem.


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