Semua Tentang Used To

'Used to + infinitive':

We use this expression to talk about habits or repeated actions in the past which we don't do in the present. We also use it to talk about states in the past which are no longer true. 

For example:
I used to have long hair (but now I have short hair).
He used to smoke (but now he doesn't smoke).
They used to live in India (but now they live in Germany).

Watch out! With the negative and the question it's 'use' and not 'used':

Did you use to be a teacher?
Did he use to study French?
She didn't use to like chocolate, but she does now.
I didn't use to want to have a nice house.

Note! With this 'used to' there is no verb 'be'. We CAN'T say 'I am used to have long hair'.

'Would + infinitive'

We can also use 'would + infinitive' to talk about a habit or repeated action in the past. We usually use 'would + infinitive' in this way when we're telling a story about the past. 

So, we can say:

When I was a student, we would often have a drink after class on a Friday.
When I lived in Italy, we would go to a little restaurant near our house.

However, we don't use 'would + infinitive' to talk about states in the past. So, if we're talking about the past, we CAN'T say:
I would have long hair.
I would live in Scotland.
Try an exercise about 'used to' and 'would' here.

'Be used to':

We use 'be used to + verb-ing' to talk about things which feel normal for us or things that we are accustomed to:

I'm used to getting up early, so I don't mind doing it (= getting up early is normal for me, it's what I usually do).
My little daughter is used to eating lunch at noon. So she was grumpy yesterday when we didn't eat until one.

Note that we make the negative or the question with the verb 'be' in the normal way. The 'used to' doesn't change:

Lucy isn't used to staying up late, so she's very tired today.
Are your children used to walking a lot?
We can also use 'be used to + noun', which has the same meaning:
I've lived in the UK almost all my life, so I'm used to rain (= rain is normal for me).
That football team always lose, so they're used to disappointment!

We can put the verb 'be' into any tense. So we can talk about things in the past or the future as well as the present using this expression:
It was difficult when I first started university, because I wasn't used to the amount of work we had to do.

Soon I'll be used to driving in London and I won't be so frightened!
We can use 'get used to + verb-ing' to talk about the change of not normal to normal. We can also use this in any tense:

Don't worry if your new job is hard at first. You'll get used to it.
It took me a while, but I got used to speaking another language every day.
It took me a few months to get used to living in Japan. At first everything seemed very different, but then gradually it became normal for me.


A. Pengantar.

Perbedaan Penggunaan Used to dan be Used to – Use adalah verb atau kata kerja yang biasa diartikan dengan kata “menggunakan atau memakai”. Namun dalam hal use berbentuk past (used) dan diikuti to, maka artinya menjadi “biasa”. Jadi format used to digunakan untuk menunjukkan adanya sebuah kebiasaan.

Used to do
Used to digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang terjadi secara konsisten di masa dahulu namun saat ini tidak terjadi lagi.

B. Rumus Penggunaan Used to dan be Used to
Ada 2 format penggunaan Used to.

S + Used to + Infinitive.
Untuk rumus ini, maka subjek ingin menunjukkan kebiasaannya tempo dulu atau kebiasaan di masa lampau.

when I was child, I used to get up early morning, but now I am always late.
(pas kecil, aku selalu bangun pagi, sekarang mesti kesiangan).
I used to call you my love
(dulu aku biasa memanggilmu cintaku) berarti sekarang sudah tidak  lagi.

S + to be + Used to + Ving.
I am used to writing on this blog
(Aku sudah kebiasaan dari dulu nulis di blog ini). Jadi itu kebiasaan yang aku lakukan dari dulu sampai sekarang.

She is used to disturbing me where ever I am.
(Dia selalu mengganguku dimanapun aku berada) berarti dari sejak dulu kebiasaan menggangguku masih dia lakukan hingga sekarang.

Jadi kedua rumus di atas dibedakan dengan to be yang jatuh setelah subjek sebelum Used to. Sehingga orang lain tahu apakah kebiasaan tersebut masih dilakukan hingga sekarang atau tidak.

I used to ride my bike to work. (Saya dulu terbiasa mengendarai sepeda ketika berangkat kerja.)

My father used to smoke beside me when I was child. (Ayah biasa merokok disampingku ketika Aku kecil.)

Oliver used to deliver the package to our home but he has stopped since two months ago. (Oliver biasa mengantarkan paket ke rumah kami, namun dia telah berhenti dua bulan yang lalu.)

I used to swim with her every week before she went to Sidney. (Saya biasa berenang dengannya setiap minggu sebelum ia pergi ke Sidney.)
To be used to doing

Sedangkan, to be used to doing digunakan untuk menyatakan situasi yang telah menjadi kebiasaan dan berlangsung atau keadaan tersebut konsisten hingga saat ini.

I am used to studying by using this small lamp. (Saya terbiasa belajar menggunakan lampu kecil ini.)

She has been used to studying overtime before examination. (Dia telah terbiasa belajar dengan lembur sebelum ujian.)

They are used to living in a very cold weather. (Mereka terbiasa hidup di cuaca yang sangat dingin.)


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