Semua Tentang Review Text

A. Defenition of Review Text

A review text is a flexible genre which may vary according to the nature of the creative work being worked on, the intended audience, and the aspects of the work considered worth commenting on.

B. The purpose of review text

The purpose of review text is to analyze and evaluate some creative works, and to inform people about its strengths and weaknesses.

C. Generic Structure
The basic structure of a review text consists of four parts or components, they are:

1. Title
Briefly identifies the subject of the review in some interesting way, and generally is linked to the reviewer’s name.

2. Identification of the work
The name of the creative work which is the subject of the review.
• What kind of work it is (such as film, movie, novel, research investigation, books, cassette etc)
• Its author(s), publisher or producer, and date of production. Not all these details are necessary.

3. Evaluation of the work
The reviewer describes particular aspects of the work, and offers their opinion regarding them, their quality, effectiveness, and so forth.

4. Conclusions/ recommendations
The reviewer summarizes their assessment of the value of the work, and makes recommendations regarding how others should regard the work.

Now read an example of review text of a film!

If you like a war film, "We Were Soldiers" is the film to see. It is starred by Mel Gibson and directed by Randall Wallace. Mel Gibson plays the leading role as Lieutenant Colonel Hal Moore. This film is about American heroism in Vietnam war. Lt. Col. Hal Moore leads a battalion of US army in Vietnam. Most of his troops are young men that are innocent to war. His mission is to seize a strategic valley named La Drang or the valley of death. To motivate his young troops, he said, "I swear … when we go into the battle I will be the first to step on the field and I will be the last to step off. I will leave no one behind…dead or alive. We will come home together". All the troops go to the battle with braveness. The 400 US army fight with 2000 Vietnamese soldiers. Even though he fails to take control the valley, he can show his loyalty to his country and to each other. This multi-million production has some breathtaking scenes. It is a film full of suspense. The special effects and stunts are spectacular and create an atmosphere of tension. Don’t miss watching it.

Now read an example of review text of a book!

Title : Science through the Ages
Title in Indonesian : Sains dari Masa ke Masa
Author : Janice VanCleave
Published by : Pakar Raya, Bandung
Price : Rp. 20.000,00

You will discover the answer to the above questions and many other fascinating questions when you take a journey through science history with Janice VanCleave as your guide. Packed with fun facts, activities and experiments, Janis VanCleave’s Science through the Ages introduces you to the amazing stories behind some of the greatest scientific discoveries of our time. Each chapter provides easy-to-follow instructions for hands on experiments, as well as clear explanation that reveal the many science has helped people- from ancient times right up through today!

You will find out how to use Stone Ages tools to make art, build a simple telescope, look at your own blood vessels, construct a stethoscope, create a model of Galileo’s gas thermometer and much more. As with all of Janice VanCleaves’s books, the contents or materials are safe, inexpensive and easily found around the house. So take a time traveling tour of discovery and get ready for hours and hours of fascinating science fun at home or in classroom.

Purpose: to summarize, analyze and respond to art works or
To critique an art work or event for a public audience

Text organization/ generic structure of the text:
1. Orientation
Background information on the text

2. Interpretative recount
Summary of an art work (including characters and plot)

3. Evaluation
Concluding statement: judgement, opinion or recommendation

4. Evaluative summation
The last opinion consisting of the appraisal or punch line of the art work being reviewed.

Language features:
• The use of complex and compound sentences
• The use of adjectives and phrases of appraisal
• The use of metaphorical expressions
The use of noun phrases

Versi Indonesia

Pengertian Review Text

Mungkin sebagian orang pernah melihatnya bahkan pernah membuatnya. Review Text adalah salah satu dari jenis teks bahasa Inggris (genre) yang ditujukan untuk meninjau suatu karya baik berupa film, buku, benda dan lain sebagainya untuk mengetahui kualitas, kelebihan dan kekurangan yang dimiliki karya tersebut yang ditujukan untuk pembaca atau pendengar khalayak ramai.

Tujuan Komunikatif Review Text

Tujuan komunikatif dari Review Text adalah melakukan kritik terhadap peristiwa atau karya seni untuk pembaca atau pendengar khalayak ramai, misalnya film, pertunjukan, buku, dll.

Generic Structure Review Text

1. Introduction
Seperti jenis teks bahasa Inggris (genre) yang lainnya, pada paragraph pertama dari sebuah Review Text berisi tentang gambaran umum tentang sebuah karya atau benda yang akan ditinjau. Gambaran umum tentang karya atau benda tersebut bisa berupa nama, kegunaan, dan sebagainya.

2. Evaluation
Pada Generic Structure yang kedua, Evaluation, memberikan gambaran tentang detail suatu karya atau benda yang direview, bisa berupa bagian-bagian dari karya atau benda tersebut, keunikan dan kualitasnya. Tapi jangan terlalu memberikan banyak deskripsi tentang karya atau benda tersebut, karena teks review kita seakan-akan "mengajarkan" calon pembeli dan itu tidak bagus. Evaluasi karya atu benda sejauh yang dibutuhkan oleh pembeli adalah yang paling benar. Istilah yang digunakan dalam sturktur paragraph yang kedua ini tidak jauh dari kata "baik" atau "tidak" karya atau benda tersebut. Pada bagian evaluasi, biasanya terdiri lebih dari satu evaluasi.

3. Interpretation
Pada bagian ketiga ini, penulis memberikan pandangannya sendiri mengenai karaya atau benda yang direviewnya. Tentunya phase ini dilakukan setelah melakukan evaluasi yang cukup terhadap karya atau barang tersebut. Seringkali untuk mendukung dan memperkuat pandangan penulis mengenai karya atau benda yang direviewnya, penulis tersebut membandingkan karya atau benda tersebut dengan karya atau benda yang mirip. Pada phase ini juga penulis menuliskan di bagian apa karya atau benda tersebut bernilai atau di bagian apa karya atu benda tersebut kurang bernilai.

4. Summmary

Pada bagian ini, penulis memberikan kesimpulan kepada pembaca terhadap karya atau benda yang telah direviewnya. Setelah memberikan penjelasan di evaluasi dan pandangan penlis sendiri di interpretation, tibalah penulis memberikan komentar apakah karya atau benda yang direviewnya berharga atau tidak untuk calon pembeli.

Ciri Kebahasaan (Language Features)

Pada Review Text terdapat beberapa ciri kebahasaan seperti berikut ini:
1. Menggunakan present tense.
2. Banyak menggunakan adjective (kata sipat) seperti, bad, good, valuable, etc.
3. Sering menggunakan long clause (klausa panjang) dan kompleks.

Contoh Review Text

Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix

I absolutely love the Harry Potter series, and all of the books will always hold a special place in my heart. 

Evaluasi 1
I have to say that of all of the books, however, this was not my favorite.

Evaluasi 2
When the series began it was as much of a "feel good" experience as a huge mug of hot cocoa. The stories were bright, fast-paced, intriguing, and ultimately satisfying.

Order of the Phoenix is a different kind of book. In some instances this feel a whole new level of intensity and excitement by the time you get to the end. I was truly moved by the last page. Other times the book just has a slightly dreary, depressing feel. The galloping pace of the other books has slowed to a trot here, and parts of it do seem long, as if we're reading all about Harry "just hanging out" instead of having his usual adventures. Reading in detail about Harry cleaning up an old house, for example - housekeeping is still housekeeping, magical or no, and I'm not very interested in doing it or reading about other people doing it.

A few other changes in this book - the "real" world comes much more in to play rather than the fantasy universe of the previous books, and Harry has apparently been taken off his meds. I know that he had a lot to be grumpy in this book, especially with being a teenager and all, but the sudden change in his character seemed too drastic. He goes from being a warm-hearted, considerate person to someone who will bite his best friend's heads off over nothing. It just seemed like it didn't fit with his character, like he turned into a walking cliché of the "angry teen" overnight.

The "real" story seemed to happen in the last 1/3 of the book, and this part I loved. I actually liked the ending (and yes, I cried!) as sad as it was. It packed a punch and it made me care about the story even more. Still a really good book, with some editing it would have been great.


Undead, Unwed, and I also wish I could say unread! Okay so here I think I have finally sunk to the bottom of the barrel to try to catch up and complete my challenge. I do have a bit of a thing for vampire novels! And that said I bought three different first in the series, to see if it would help me catch up and bring me back to target.

Seriously, this was one of the trashiest novels I have ever read! It was OK and fun, but I feel like a complete fraud and fake adding this to the list of books I’ve read this year! But I did nevertheless read it! So it’s going to be added.

Maybe one day when I’ve forgotten how bad this book was and just how trashy, I’ll read a few more in the series! But seriously guys I wouldn’t recommend it!

1.    The text mainly tells about….
(A)    a vampire novel
(B)    a very bad novel
(C)    an opinion on a novel
(D)    a review on Undead and Unwed
(E)    a review on Undead and Unwed movie

2.    The second paragraph mainly told….
(A)    the writer bought three novel
(B)    the writer fond of vampire novel
(C)    the writer thought the novel was very bad
(D)    the writer thought the novel was fun and OK
(E)    the writer didn’t recommend the readers read it

3.    The Undead an Unwed is….
(A)    an horror novel
(B)    an romantic novel
(C)    very interesting novel
(D)    not a sequence novel
(E)    made into the movie

4.    Which of the following statement does not represent the writer’s opinion?
(A)    The novel is very trashy.
(B)    It really good and interesting novel.
(C)    I will not add this novel to my book list.
(D)    Don’t read this novel or you will be upset.
(E)    I do really want to forget this bad novel soon.

5.    The following statement is not true….
(A)    the writer liked vampire novel very much
(B)    the writer bought three novel in series
(C)    the writer finished reading the novel
(D)    the writer could satisfy his target
(E)    the novel is not interesting

6. In general, the writer….
(A)    suggested the readers to buy the novel
(B)    recommended the readers to read the novel
(C)    didn’t recommend the readers to read the novel
(D)    didn’t recommend the readers to review the novel
(E)    suggested to collect the first three different series

7. But seriously guys I wouldn’t recomended it! ( paragraph 3 )
The sentence means….
(A)    the reader shouldn’t recommend him to be seriously
(B)    the writer didn’t oppose the idea of the novel
(C)    the writer recommended to read the novel
(D)    the writer recommended to read seriously
(E)    the writer didn’t suggest to read the novel

8.    The communicative purpose of the text is….
(A)    to review the novel
(B)    to promote the novel
(C)    to tell the story of the novel
(D)    to amuse the readers with the novel
(E)    to persuade the readers to buy the novel

9.    Seriously, this was one of the trashiest novels I have ever read, (paragraph 2)
The bold word refers to….
(A)    Mary Janice Oavidson    (D) the book
(B)    the reviewer                      (E) the novel
(C)    the reader

10. It can be concluded that….
(A)    Mary Janice Davidson is the main character of the novel
(B)    Mary Janice Davidson is the reviewer of the book
(C)    the book reviewer didn’t tell the reader to read it
(D)    the book reviewer didn’t by the book
(E)    the novel is very challenging

The following text is for questions 23 to 25. 

Reading the three plots of Marry Higgins Clark in All Through the Night concern a stolen gold ornamental cup, a missing baby, and a will which seems to be deceitful. To solve the mystery, she revives her beloved characters; Alvirah, the former cleaning woman; and Willy Meeham, the plumber who won the lottery. They left their life in Jackson Heights, Queens, for an apartment on Central Park. The two have fun along the way solving the puzzle.

The pace is swift and the story is pure escape - totally fun Mary Higgins Clark. I admit, however, that l am still trying to know what melody of the song "All Through the Night" sounds like.

This holiday season, put aside your chores and curl up on couch with All Through the Night. When you close it you will be relaxed and more ready to enjoy the festivities. And then you might just want to tuck a copy into someone's stocking or gift bag, as well.

23. What is the writer's suggestion for the holiday season?
A. Left your life for an apartment in Central Park.
B. Put aside your chores and read the novel. 
C. Tuck a stocking into someone's gift bag.
D. Stole a gold ornament and he deceitful.
E. Have fun and solve some puzzles. 

24. What intrigues the writer about All Through the Night?
A. lt made her curl up on couch all day.
B. It made her ready for any festivities during holiday.
C. She didn”t know the melody of the song in the book.
D. She wanted to escape every time she read the book.
E. She closed it and got relax.

25. In the first paragraph, the reviewer ....
A. introduces the Marry Higgins Clark
B. analyzes the three plots in the story 
C. mainly discusses about Alvirah
D. is solving all of the mystery
E. summarizes the characters


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