Semua Tentang Reported Speech


Normally, the tense in reported speech is one tense back in time from the tense in direct speech:
She said, "I am tired." = She said that she was tired.

Phrase in Direct Speech
Equivalent in Reported Speech
Simple present
Simple past
"I always drink coffee", she said
She said that she always drank coffee.
Present continuous
Past continuous
"I am reading a book", he explained.
He explained that he was reading a book
Simple past
Past perfect
"Bill arrived on Saturday", he said.
He said that Bill had arrived on Saturday.
Present perfect
Past perfect
"I have been to Spain", he told me.
He told me that he had been to Spain.
Past perfect
Past perfect
"I had just turned out the light," he explained.
He explained that he had just turned out the light.
Present perfect continuous
Past perfect continuous
They complained, "We have been waiting for hours".
They complained that they had been waiting for hours.
Past continuous
Past perfect continuous
"We were living in Paris", they told me.
They told me that they had been living in Paris.
Present conditional
"I will be in Geneva on Monday", he said.
He said that he would be in Geneva on Monday.
Future continuous
Conditional continuous
She said, "I'll be using the car next Friday".
She said that she would be using the car next Friday.

You do not need to change the tense if the reporting verb is in the present, or if the original statement was about something that is still true, e.g.

He says he has missed the train but he'll catch the next one.
We explained that it is very difficult to find our house.
These modal verbs do not change in reported speech: might, could, would, should, ought to:

We explained, "It could be difficult to find our house." = We explained that it could be difficult to find our house.
She said, "I might bring a friend to the party." = She said that she might bring a friend to the party.


Penjelasan Direct dan Indirect Speech (Reported Speech) - Direct dan Indirect Speech merupakan materi grammar bahasa Inggris yang banyak diajarkan di jenjang SMP dan SMA. Direct dan Indirect Speech atau yang biasa disebut Reported Speech ini menjadi langganan bentuk soal yang sering keluar di UN baik untuk SMP dan SMA.

Atas dasar begitu pentingnya materi Direct dan Indirect Speech ini, maka pada kesempatan kali ini penulis memberikan penjelasan mengenai Direct dan Inderct tersebut dengan lengkap kepada pengunjung sekalian. Semoga bermanfaat.

Direct dan Indirect Speech

Ketika kita merubah kalimat langsung menjadi kalimat tidak langsung, ada beberapa hal yang mengalami perubahan diantaranya perubahan struktur kalimat, tensis, pronoun (kata ganti orang), keterangan waktu dan tempat (Adverbs of time and place).

Sebelum melangkah jauh ke sub-pembahasan tersebut di atas, alangkah baiknya ada juga mengerti tentang apa yang dimaksud Reporting Speech dan Reported Speech.

Reporting Speech adalah bagian dalam kalimat direct speech yang di tandai oleh tanda petik (") dan di akhiri oleh tanda petik (").
He said, "I have a present for you in my bag."
He asked me, "why do you come late."
Sedangkan Reported Speech adalah baigan awal dari kalimat direct speech.
He said, "I have a present for you in my bag."
He asked me, "why do you come late."
Untuk itu, pada artikel ini penulis sengaja membagi beberpa sub-penjelasan mengenai direct dan indirect speech berdasakan perubahan-perbuahan di atas.

1. Perubahan Stuktur kalimat

Jika kita lihat pada kalimat direct speech, terdapat ciri-ciri yang identik yaitu terdapat tanda petik ("). Tada petik tersebut merupakan cara yang sering digunakan untuk membedakan mana yang direct atau yang indirect.

Ketika klimat direct speech tersebut dirubah menjadi kalimat indirect speech, tanda petik tersebut pun dihilangkan atau digantikan dengan kata "that" atau "to" (untuk kalimat perintah). Misalnya:
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
He said, "I have a present for you in my bag."
He said that he had a present for me in his bag.
He asked me, "why do you come late."
He asked me why I came late.
He orderd me, "don't bring a bag."
He ordered me to didn't bring a bag.
Perubahan struktur kalimat juga terjadi jika pada direct speech menggunakan kalimat tanya, maka akan dirubah menjadi kalimat afirmatif (berita).

Untuk kalimat direct speech yang menggunakan kalimat tanya "yes-no question" maka akan dirubah menjadi if/whether. Contohnya:
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
They asked me, "Do you want to join us to play football?"
They asked me if/whether I want to join them to play football.
He asked me, "Does she want to mary me?"
He asked me if/whether she wants to mary her.

Untuk kalimat direct speech yang menggunakan 5W1H question (Why, Who, What, When, WHere, How), maka akan dirubah menjadi kalimat afirmatif dengan cara sebagai berikut:
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
He asked me, "why do you come late?"
He asked me why you came late.
He asked me, "what does she eat?"
He asked me what she ate.
He asked me, "when did you come?"
He asked me when I came.
He asked me, "who are you?"
He asked me who I was.
He asked me, "who is she?"
He asked me who she was.

2. Perubahan Tensis (Tenses)

Seperti yang dijelaskan dimuka, perbuahan dari direct ke indirect juga mempengaruhi tensis yang digunakan. Kebanyakan siswa sulit memahami perubahan yang satu ini. Untuk itu, penulis sengaja membuatkan tabel perubahan tensis agar mudah dimengerti.

Di bawah ini adalah tabel Perubahan Tenses dari direct speech ke indirect speech.
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
Simple Present
Simple Past
Present Continuous
Past Continuous
Present Future
Past Future
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Past
Past Perfect
Past Continuous
Past Perfect Continuous

3. Perubahan Pronoun

Perubahan pronoun dan possessive tergantung kepada sabjek dan objek yang dipakai di direct speech (kalimat langsung) yang tentunya mempengaruhi perubahan pronoun pada indirect speech (kalimat tidak langsung).

Kata ganti orang pertama (I dan We) pada reporting speech (lihat penjelasan di awal) berubah sesuai subjek yang ada di reproted speech.

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
He said, ‘I am busy.’
He said that he was busy.
She said, ‘I am unwell.’
She said that she was unwell.
I said, ‘I will be late.’
I said that I would be late.
They said, ‘We will not permit this.’
They said that they would not permit that.
We said, ‘We need to buy some clothes.’
We said that we needed to buy some clothes.

Kata ganti orang kedua (You) di reporting speech pada direct speech berubah sesuai objek pada reported speech.
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
He said to me, ‘You have to come with me.’
He told me that I had to go with him.
She said to me, ‘You can go.’
She told me that I could go.
She said to him, ‘You can go.’
She told him that he could go.

Kata ganti orang ketiga (He, she, it dan they) pada direct speech tidak mengalami perubahan ketika dirubah ke indirect speech.
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
He said, ‘She is a good girl.’
He said that she was a good girl.
She said, ‘They have invited us.’
She said that they had invited them.
They said, ‘He does not have the necessary qualifications.’
They said that he did not have the necessary qualifications.

4. Perubahan Keterangan waktu dan tempat (Adverbs of time and place)

Tidak cuma itu, dalam perubahan dari direct speech ke indirect speech juga mempengaruhi adverbs khusunya adverb of time (keterangan waktu) dan adverb of place (keterangan tempat). Untuk itu anda wajib memahami tabel di bawah ini.

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
To day
That day
The next day
The day after
The following day
A day later
Next ...
The ... after
The following ...
Last ...
The ... before
The Previous ...
... ago
... before
... earlier
The day before
The previous day
The preceeding day
The day before yesterday
Two day before

Di bawah ini adalah contoh-contoh direct dan indirect speech untuk menambah pemahaman mengenai penjelasan di atas.

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
He said, “I have a present for you in my
He said that he had a present for me in his bag there.

He said, “I do not have a present for you in my bag”

He said that he did not have a present for me in his bag.

He asked, “Do I have a present for you in my bag?”

He asked me if/whether he had a present for me in his bag.

He asked me, “ Why do I have to have a present for you in my bag?
 He asked me why he had to have a present for me in his bag.

He ordered/commanded me, “Bring my bag here now!”

He ordered/commanded me to bring his bag there then.
He ordered me, “Don’t bring your bag here!”
He ordered me not to bring my bag there.

Contoh Kalimat

Direct speech:

Aria said, “I will give you a book next week”.
Aria berkata, “Aku akan memberimu sebuah buku bulan depan”.

Indirect Speech:

Aria said that he would give me a book the following week.
Aria mengatakan bahwa dia akan memberi ku sebuah buku bulan depan.

Direct speech:

He said, “I work in a bank”
Dia berkata, “Saya bekerja di sebuah Bank”

Indirect speech:

He said that he worked in a bank.
Dia berkata bahwa dia bekerja di sebuah bank.

Direct speech:

They said, “We are going to beach tomorrow”
Dia berkata, “Kami akan pergi ke pantai besok”

Indirect speech:

They said that they were going to beach the following day.
Dia berkata bahwa mereka akan pergi ke pantai besok

Direct speech:

She said, “I am sad now”
Dia berkata, “Aku sedih saat ini”

Indirect Speech:

She said that she was sad then.
Dia berkata bahwa dia sedih saat itu.

Direct speech:

I said, “John has been waiting for you since two hours”
Aku berkata, “John sudah menunggu kamu selam dua jam”

Indirect Speech:

I said that John had been waiting for you for two hours.
Aku berkata bahwa John sudah meunggunya selama dua jam.

Direct speech:

I told Jerry, “I can fix this computer soon”
Aku memberitahu Jerry, “Aku dapat memperbaiki computer ini segera”.

Indirect speech:

I told to him that I could fix this computer immediately.
Aku memberitahu dia bahwa aku bisa memperbaiki komputer ini segera.

Direct speech:

Marry told us, “I have to go now”
Marry memberitahu kami , “Aku harus pergi saat ini”

Indirect speech:

Marry told to us that she had to go then.
Marry memberitahu kami bahwa dia harus pergi saat itu.

Jika Verb di reporting sentence present maka verb di reported sentence tidak berubah

Direct speech:

John tells Anne “I will pick you up at seven o’clock tonight”
John memberitahu Anne, “Aku akan menjemputmu pada jam 7 malam malam ini.

Indirect speech:

John told to Anne that he will pick her up at seven o’clock tonight.
John memberitahu Anne bahwa dia akan menjemput dia jam 7 malam itu.

Direct speech:

Andy says “I have had lunch with John recently”
Andy berkata, “Aku sudah makan siang dengan John tadi”

Indirect speech:

Andy said to marry that he has had lunch with John recently.
Andy berkata kepada Marry bahwa dia telah sarapan tadi.

Direct Speech:

My mother says, “This flower needs to be watering frequently”
Ibuku berkata, “Bunga ini butuh disiram sering-sering”

Indirect Speech:

My mother said that this flower needs to be watering frequently.
Ibuku berkata bahwa bunga ini butuh disiram teratur.

Direct speech:

My brother tells to me, “I am reading a book now”
Saudaraku memberitahuku, “aku sedang membaca buku sekarang”

Indirect speech:

My brother told to me that he is reading a book then.
Saudaraku memberitahuku bahwa dia sedang membaca sebuah buku saat ini.


Direct speech

He asked me “Open the door please!”
Dia meminta ku, “Tolong buka pinu!”

Indirect speech

He asked me to open the door please.
Dia memintaku untuk membeuka pintu.

Direct speech

My father told me, “Don’t come home late!”
Ayahku memberitahuku, “Jangan pulang terlambat!”

Indirect speech

My father told to me not to come home late.
Ayahku memberitahuku untuk tidak pulang terlambat.

Direct speech

Teacher asked me, “Open the page 23 now!”
Guru meinta ku, “Buka halaman 23 sekarang!”

Indirect speech

Teachers asked us to open the page 23 then.
Guru memintaku untuk membuka halaman 23 saat itu.

Direct speech

Andy asked “Don’t leave me alone!”
Andy memintaku, “Jangan tinggalkan aku sendiri!”

Indirect speech

Andy asked that to not leave him alone.
Andy memintaku untuk tidak meninggalkannya sendiri.

Direct speech

My uncle told me “Come and visit us next week!”
Pamanku memberitahuku, “Datang dan kunjungi kami bulan depan!”

Indirect speech

My uncle told to me to come and visit them the following week.
Pamanku memberitahuku untuk datang dan mengunjungi mereka bulan depan.

Jika Verb di reporting sentence present maka verb di reported sentence tidak berubah

Direct speech

She tells him, “Don’t touch me!”
Dia memberitahunya, “jangan menyentuhku!”

Indirect speech

She told to him not to touch me.
Dia memberitahunya untuk tidak menyentuhnya.

Direct speech

His father asks, “Study hard!”
Ayahnya mengatakan, “Belajar yang giat!”

Indirect speech

His father asked him to study hard.
ayahnya berkata kepadanya untuk belajar giat.

Direct speech

The gardener tells me “don’t step on the grass!”
Si tukang kebun memberitahuku, “Jangan menginjak rumput!”

Indirect speech

The gardener told to me not to step on the grass.
Si tukang kebun memberitahuku untuk tidak menginjak rumput.

Direct speech

John tells Marry, “Hurry up!”
John memberitahu Marry,” cepat!”

Indirect speech

John told to marry to hurry up.
John memberitahu Marry untuk cepat.


Direct speech

John asked Marry, “Why do you come late today?”
John menanyai Marry, “Kenapa kamu datang terlambat hari ini?”

Indirect speech

John asked Marry why she came late that day.
John menanyai marry kenapa dia datang terlamba hari itu.

Direct speech

I asked my uncle, “When will you visit us here?”
Aku menanyai pamanku, “kapan kau akan mengunjungi kami di sini?”

Indirect speech

I asked my uncle when he would visit us here.
Aku menanyai pamanku kapan dia akan mengunjungi kami di sini.

Direct speech

My mother asked me, “Where are you last night?”
Ibuku menanyaiku, “Dimana aku berada kemarin malam?”

Indirect speech

My mother asked me where was I that night.
Ibuku menanyaiku dimana aku berada malam itu.

Direct speech

Andy asked me, “Have you finished the homework?”
Andy menanyaiku, “Sudahkah aku menyelesaikan PR?”

Indirect speech

Andy asked me if I had finished the homework.
Andy menanyaiku apakah aku telah menyelesaikan PR.

Direct speech

My brother told to me, “Are you okay?”
Saudaraku memberitahuku, “Apakah aku baik-baik saja?”

Indirect speech

My brother told to me whether I was okay or not.
Saudaraku menanyaiku apakah Aku baik baik saja?

Direct speech

Aria asked John, “Can you be quiet for a while?”
Aria menanyai John, “Dapatkah kamu dia untuk beberapa saat?”

Indirect speech

Aria asked John if he could be quiet for a while.
Aria menanyai John apakah dia bisa tenang untuk beberapa saat.

Direct speech

I asked John, “Does you want to come with us?”
Aku menanyai John, “Apakah kamu mau ikut kami?”

Indirect speech

I told John whether he wanted to come with us.
Aku menanyai John apakah dia mau ikut denagn kami.


Ubahlah kalimat direct speech di bawah ini menjadi kalimat indirect speech.

1.      Did they eat out together yesterday?
a.      He asked me if they had eaten out yesterday.
b.      He asked me if they had eaten out together the day before.
c.       He asked me if they has eaten out together the day before.
d.      He asked me if they have eaten out together the day before.

2.      Don’t turn off the light now.
a.      He told me don’t turn off the light at that time.
b.      He told me not to turn off the light at that time.
c.       He told me didn’t turn off the light at that time.
d.      He told me didn’t turn off the light at now.

3.      What’s your passion?
a.      She wanted to know what is my passion.
b.      She wanted to know what was my passion.
c.       She wanted to know what my passion was.
d.      She wanted to know what was my passion.

4.      I begin to understand the concept of biodiversity.
a.      He asked me that he began to understand the concept of biodiversity.
b.      He wanted to know if he began to understand the concept of biodiversity.
c.       He said that he began to understand the concept of biodiversity.
d.      He said that I began to understand the concept of biodiversity.

5.      Your friend has just left.
a.      He told me that your friend had just left.
b.      He told me that my friend has just left.
c.       He told me that my friend had just left.
d.      He told me that my friend have just left.

6.      Can I borrow your pencil for a moment?
a.      She asked me if she can borrow my pencil for a moment.
b.      She asked me whether she can borrow my pencil for a moment.
c.       She asked me whether she could borrow my pencil for a moment.
d.      She asked me whether I could borrow her pencil for a moment.

7.      Why are you staring at my feet?
a.      He asked her why she is staring at his feet.
b.      He asked her why she was staring at his feet.
c.       He asked her why was she staring at his feet.
d.      He asked her why is she staring at his feet.

8.      The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
a.      He said that the sun rose in the east and sets in the west.
b.      He said that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
c.       He asked if the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
d.      He said that the sun rise in the east and set in the west.

9.      I’m going to meet my penpal for the first time tomorrow.
a.      She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time the next day.
b.      She said she was going to meet my penpal for the first time tomorrow.
c.       She said she was going to meet her penpal for the first time tomorrow.
d.      She said she is going to meet her penpal for the first time the next day.

10.   We have been here for a week.
a.      They said they had been there for a week.
b.      They said they had been here for a week.
c.       They said we had been there for a week.
d.      They said they has been here for a week.

11.  Who is sitting beside Tom?
a.      He asked me who was sitting beside Tom that time.
b.      He asked me was sitting beside Tom that time.
c.       He asked me who is sitting beside Tom.
d.      He asked me who is Tom sitting beside.

12.  Please wait for me at the bus stop.
a.      Endy told me to wating her at the bus stop.
b.      Endy told me waited for her at the bus stop that time.
c.       Endy told me waited for me at the bus stop that time.
d.      Endy told me waits for her at the bus stop that time.

13.  Window-shopping is my favorite hobby.
a.      Septi said that window-shopping is her favorite hobby.
b.      Septi said that if window-shopping was my favorite hobby.
c.       Septi said that window-shopping was my favorite hobby.
d.      Septi said that window-shopping was her favorite hobby.

14.  I ate some beef burgers yesterday.
a.      Jean said that she have eat some beef burgers the day before.
b.      Jean said that she has ate some beef burgers the day before.
c.       Jean said that she had been eaten some beef burgers the day before.
d.      Jean said that she had been eat some beef burgers yesterday.

15.  This is the bag which I bought yesterday.
a.      He said that was the bag which he had been bought the day before.
b.      He said that was the bag which I bought the day before.
c.       He said that the bag was which he had buy the day before.
d.      He said that was the bag which I had been bought the day before.

16.  Who is hiding under the bed?
a.      Mom wanted to know why was hiding under the bed.
b.      Mom said she was hiding under the bed.
c.       Mom wanted to hiding under the bed.
d.      Mom wanted to know who was hiding under the bed.

17.  Elisa had been living in Bangok before she moved to Jakarta.
a.      Firmansyah said that Elisa have live in Bangkok before she moved to Jakarta.
b.      Firmansyah said that Elisa had been living in Bangkok before she moved to Jakarta.
c.       Firmansyah said that Elisa is living in Bangkok before she moved to Jakarta.
d.      Firmansyah said that Elisa was in Bangkok before she move to Jakarta.

18.  I have been travelling around the world for over three years.
a.      Grandpa said he had been travelling around the world for over three years.
b.      Grandpa said he have been travel around the world for over three years.
c.       Grandpa said he was travel around the world for over three years.
d.      Grandpa said he is travelling around the world for over three years.

19.  When you pushed me, I was holding my phone.
a.      Keyza said when you push him, he was holding my phone.
b.      Keyza said when I push him, he was holding his phone.
c.       Keyza said when I pushed him, he was holding his phone.
d.      Keyza said when I pushed him, he is holding my phone.

20.  My name is Harry.
a.      He said his name is Harry.
b.      He said his name might Harry.
c.       He said his name will Harry.
d.      He said his name has Harry.


1.      Jawaban Benar          : B
Pembahasan               : Time dalam kalimat direct speech “yesterday” perlu diubah menjadi “the day before” dalam kalimat indirect/reported speech.

2.      Jawaban Benar          : B
Pembahasan               : Kata kerja (verb) diubah menjadi infinitive (verb 1) pada reporting command (perintah).

3.      Jawaban Benar          : C
Pembahasan               : Direct speech berupa wh- question (information request) -> pindahkan verb ke belakang subject (word order).

4.      Jawaban Benar          : C
Pembahasan               : Direct speech berupa pernyataan (statement) dengan pola simple present, verb diubah ke pola simple past dalam kalimat indirect speech.

5.      Jawaban Benar          : C
Pembahasan               : Pola kalimat present perfect tense pada kalimat direct speech disesuaikan menjadi past perfect tense pada kalimat indirect speech.

6.      Jawaban Benar          : C
Pembahasan               : Modal verb “can” (present) diubah menjadi “could” (past).

7.      Jawaban Benar          : B
Pembahasan               : Verb present continous tense pada direct speech diubah menjadi past continous tense pada indirect speech.

8.      Jawaban Benar          : B
Pembahasan               : Verb tidak berubah menjadi past karena pernyataan berupa general truth.

9.      Jawaban Benar          : A
Pembahasan               : Time reference “tomorrow” disesuaikan menjadi “the next day” atau “the following day”.

10.  Jawaban Benar          : A
Pembahasan               : “Here” pada direct diubah menjadi “there” di Indirect speech.

11.  Jawaban Benar          : A
Pembahasan               : Pola present continous tense pada direct speech diubah menjadi pola past continous tense. Ditandai dengan berubahnya tobe dan keterangan waktu.

12.  Jawaban Benar          : B
Pembahasan               : Pola simple present tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi simple past tense di kalimat indirect speech.

13.  Jawaban Benar          : D
Pembahasan               : Pola simple present tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi simple past tense di kalimat indirect speech.

14.  Jawaban Benar          : C
Pembahasan               : Pola simple past tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi past perfect tense di kalimat indirect speech. Ditandai dengan tobe “had been” dan verb 3 “eaten”.

15.  Jawaban Benar          : A
Pembahasan               : Pola simple present tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi simple past tense di kalimat indirect speech. danpola simple past tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi past perfect tense di kalimat indirect speech. Ditandai dengan tobe “is” diubah menjadi “was” dan penambahan tobe “had been” sebelum verb 3 “bought”.

16.  Jawaban Benar          : D
Pembahasan               : Pola present continous tense pada direct speech diubah menjadi pola past continous tense. Ditandai dengan berubahnya tobe.

17.  Jawaban Benar          : B
Pembahasan               : Karena pada direct speech yang pola kalimatnya past continous tense, pada kalimat indirect speech-nya, pola kalimat tidak berubah.

18.  Jawaban Benar          : A
Pembahasan               : Pola present perfect tense pada kalimat direct speech diubah menjadi past perfect tense di kalimat indirect speech.

19.  Jawaban Benar          : C
Pembahasan               : Pola yang dipakai dalam direct speech diatas adalah past continous tense, jika diubah menjadi indirect speech, maka polanya tidak berubah. Yang perlu diubah hanya subject-nya saja.

20.  Jawaban Benar          : A
Pembahasan               : Pola kalimat tidak berubah karena pernyataan berupa general truth.


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