Semua Tentang Past Perfect Tense

A. Pengertian Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Tense adalah tense yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan suatu tindakan yang telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.

B. Rumus Past Perfect Tense

S + had + Verb-3
We had announced before we seized that house.
S  + had + been + nominal
We had been a good team.
S + had + not + Verb-3
I had not got married when you were 9 years old.
S + had + not + been + nominal
Zidane had not been a football player in 1980.
Had + S + Verb-3?
Had you transferred the money yesterday morning?
Had + S + been?
Had she been crazy like this last year?

C. Penggunaan Past Perfect Tense

1.    Untuk menggambarkan sebuah pekerjaan yang telah terjadi pada masa lalu.
They had gone to London yesterday morning. (mereka telah pergi ke London kemarin pagi)
My father had not married my mother when they worked in PT. Sidonongol. (Ayahku belum menikahi ibuku ketika mereka bekerja bersama di PT. Sidonongol)

2.    Untuk menggambarkan kegiatan yang telah terjadi sebelum kegiatan lainnya pada masa lampau.
Dutch had colonized Indonesia before Japanese. (Belanda telah menjajah Indonesia sebelum Jepang).
I had not turned off the TV before I slept last night. (Aku belum mematikan TV sebelum tidur kemarin malam)

D. Keterangan Waktu Past Perfect Tense
Keterangan waktu yang digunakan dalam tenses ini semuanya berbentuk past tense, seperti: time+ago, last+time, yesterday.
Karena biasa digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat dengan dua aktifitas, maka akan ada kata sambung seperti After dan Before

E. Contoh Kalimat Past Perfect Tense.
  1. Having cleaned the floor, my mother fixed her motorcycle. (setelah membersihkan lantai, ibuku membenarkan sepedamotornya)
  2. I had told you many times when you asked me about her. (aku sudah memberitahumu beberapaka kali ketika kamu menanyakan tentang dia)
  3. I refused to go to KFC yesterday because I wasn’t hungry. I had eaten. (Aku menolak untuk pergi ke KFC kemarin karena aku tidak lapar. Aku sudah makan soalnya)
  4. I would have got all the chances if you had helped me that time.(aku bakal sudah mendapatkan semua kesempatan jika kamu menolongku waktu itu)
  5. If I had come to the meeting I would have been promoted. (Seandainya aku datang pada saat meeting, aku akan sudah dipromosikan)
  6. Roger Danuarta had disappeared from entertainment since 10 years ago. (Roger Danuarta telah menghilang dari dunia hiburan sejak 10 tahun yang lalu)
  7. I had been too hungry to wait you yesterday, so that I went by myself. (aku sudah terlalu lapar untuk menunggumu kemarin, jadi aku pergi sendiri)
  8. If you had already told me that you love me at that time, may we would have got married. (jika kamu memberitahuku jika kamu mencintaiku, mungkin aku kita sudah akan menikah)
  9. The picture had been burned before she could see it. (foto itu sudah dibakar sebelum ia sempat melihatnya)
  10. She had already found the key, before I broke the door. (ia sudah menemukan kuncinya sebelum aku mendobrak pintunya).

F. Exercises
Part I

    Change the words inside the bracket to be corrected form!
1.    Almost everybody had (go) for home by the time we arrived.
2.    Before the fire-engines arrived, the fire had (destroy) that apartment.
3.    When she arrived they had (finish) writing.
4.    After I had (play) golf I went home.
5.    As soon as the sun (set) we returned to our houses.
6.    When Danish (do) his task, he turned on TV.
7.    They had already (call) the doctor when she got there.
8.    I had (drink) a bottle of isotonic before you come.
9.    When Mia and I got to the theater, the movie hadn’t already (start).
10.    She had (wear) that skirt a lot before.
11.    My brother had (be) there waiting for her when I called him.
12.    My husband had (learn) computers for so long time ago.
13.    Drake had (accompany) his secretary to Tegal when I ask him to join us.
14.    I hadn’t (see) Yuna lately.
1.    went
2.    destroyed
3.    finished
4.    played
5.    had set
6.    had done
7.    called
8.    drunk
9.    started
10.    worn
11.    been
12.    learnt
13.    accompanied
14.    seen

Multiple choice Exercise
1. I was sleeping when somebody knocked the door.
    A. I was slept when somebody knocked the door.
    B. I had slept when somebody knocked the door.
    C. I have slept when somebody knocked the door.

2. I was working when Shanti came.
    A. I had not work when Shanti came.
    B. I had not worked when Shanti come.
    C. I had not worked when Shanti came.

3. Budi had lived in Bali.
    A. Had Budi Live in Bali?
    B. Had Budi lived in Bali?
    C. Is Budi living in Bali?

4. My father had eaten before I worked.
    A. Hadn’t my father eaten before I worked?
    B. Hadn’t my father ate before I worked?
    C. Had my father not eat before I worked?

5. The mechanic had been repairing my car.
    A. The mechanic had repaired my car.
    B. The mechanic had repair my car.
    C. The mechanic has been repairing my car.

6. Semua siswa telah belajar sebelum guru mereka memberikan kuis.
    A. All students had study before their teacher given a quiz.
    B. All students had studied before their teacher give a quiz.
    C. All students had studied before their teacher gave a quiz.

7. Ayahku belum datang ketika Ibuku pergi ke pasar.
    A. My father had not came when my mother go to the market.
    B. My father had not come when my mother went to the market.
    C. My father had not came when my mother went to the market.

8. Tria mandi setelah dia main basket.
    A. Tria had taken a bath after she played basketball.
    B. Tria took a bath after she had played basketball.
    C. Tria take a bath after she play basketball.

9. Saya bertemu Budi setelah saya menghadiri sebuah pesta.
    A. I meet Budi after I had attended a party.
    B. I had met Budi after I attended a party.
    C. I met Budi after I had attended a party.

10. Apakah Dina belum membaca buku itu ketika saya meminjamnya?
    A. Had Dina not read that book when I borrowed?
    B. Had Dina not readed that book when I borrowed?
    C. Had Dina not readed that book when I borrow?

Choose the Correct answer for the questions below.!
1. They had already ............ the news when I informed it to them
a.    knew
b.    know
c.    knowing
d.    known
e.    to know

2. When i moved in this city, Oscar hadn't ............ here for a year
a.    lived
b.    lives
c.    living
d.    live
e.    to live

3. ............ your son brushed his teeth before he went to sleep
a.    Have
b.    Has
c.    Having
d.    Had been
e.    Had

4. My children told me that they ............ their homework
a.    had already did
b.    had already done
c.    had already do
d.    have already done
e.    have already did

5. He ............ his car when she was about to buy it from him
a.    had sell
b.    has sell
c.    had sold
d.    have sold
e.    has sold

6. ............ you prepared yourself before you followed the National Examination?
a.    Having
b.    To have
c.    Has
d.    Have
e.    Had

7. Cindy ............ English for several minutes when his father left the house
a.    had studied
b.    had study
c.    has studied
d.    have studied
e.    had studying

8. My wife told me that she ............ my favorite cake
a.    had cook
b.    had cooking
c.    had cooked
d.    has cooked
e.    have cooked

9. When we finished studying, We hadn’t ............ the lesson
a.    understanding
b.    understood
c.    understand
d.    to understand
e.    to understood

10. Paul had ............ his wallet for several hours before he finally found it under the table
a.    looked for
b.    look for
c.    looking for
d.    to look for
e.    to looked for

Part II
Terjemahkan kalimat ini kedalam bahasa inggris
1.Rumah itu sangat sunyi ketika saya tiba. Semua orang sudah pergi tidur.
2.Saya merasa sangat lelah ketika saya pulang, jadi saya langsung pergi tidur
3.jika saja ibu datang maka kakak pasti tidak akan pulang
4. apakah kamu sudah belajar sebelum pergi ke bioskop.
5. LYa berkata kalau dia mendapat peringkat 3 di lomba matematika tingkat nasional
