Semua Tentang Narrative Text

A.    Defenisi Narrative Text
A narrative (or story) is any report of connected events, presented in a sequence of written or spoken words, and/or in a sequence of (moving) pictures.

Narrative text adalah jenis genre yang rangkaian peristiwa atau ceritanya dari waktu ke waktu dan dijabarkan dengan urutan awal, tengah dan akhir (kronologis)

B. Tujuan Narrative Text
Tujuan dasar dari text narasi adalah untuk menghibur dan menarik minat pembaca dengan menyajikan cerita atau peristiwa yang memiliki masalah yang menimbulkan konflik dan pada akhir cerita ada resolusinya atau akhir yang bahagia atau bahkan menyedihkan

C. Struktur Umum
    Orientasi : set adegan dan memperkenalkan para peserta.
    Komplikasi : krisis, konflik, atau masalah muncul.
    Resolusi : krisis atau masalah tersebut teratasi, untuk lebih baik atau lebih buruk.
    Re-Orientasi : Opsional (tidak harus).

D. Ciri-ciri Redaksi Narrative Text
1.    Fokus pada satu tokoh atau pelaku dan biasanya individual sehingga biasanya menggunakan kata ganti seperti “I, we, she, he”.
2.    Paling sering menggunakan past tense baik itu simple past tense, past continuous, maupun bentuk past tense lainnya.
3.    Terkadang menggunakan dialog untuk mengajak pembaca berimajinasi sehingga ceritanya terlihat lebih jelas dan nyata.
4.    Karena berurutan (kronologis), maka biasanya juga menggunakan kata sambung (conjunction) agar cerita terlihat runtut atau urut.

E. Contoh Narrative Text dan Penjelasannya.
Contoh 1: Cinderella.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl named Cinderella. He lived with his step mother and two sisters. They were arrogant and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her step mother made Cinderella do the hardest job in the house, such as scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing food for the family. Her step sisters, on the other hand, did not work on the house. Their mother gave them many pretty dresses to wear.

One day, a king invited all girls in his kingdom to attend a ball in his palace. They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. Cinderella could not stop crying after they left.

“Why are you crying, Cinderella?” the voice asked.

She looked up and saw a fairy standing beside her. Then Cinderella told her why she was crying. Well the fairy said, “you’ve been such a cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl that I will see that you go to the ball.” The fairy turned a pumpkin into a coach and mice into a smooth two coach man and footman then tapped Cinderella’s dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown.

Then he gave her a pair of pretty glass shoes. Now, Cinderella, she said, “you have to leave the ball before midnight”. Then he drove away a wonderful coach. Cinderella had a marvelous time either. She danced again and again with the prince. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door as fast as he could do. In her hurry, one of her glass shoes left behind.

A few days later, the prince declared that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass shoe. Cinderella’s stepsisters tried on it but it was too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it. In the end, the king’s page let Cinderella try the shoe. She stretched his legs and slipped the shoe on the page. It fitted perfectly. Finally, she was ushered into a magnificent palace and height. The prince were glad to see her again. They married and lived happily ever after.

1.    Paragraf pertama berisi Orientation, yaitu pengenalan tokoh-tokoh yang ada pada dongeng Cinderella.
2.    Paragraf kedua berisi Complication, yaitu masalah muncul ketika Cinderella tidak boleh pergi ke pesta dansa (ball).
3.    Paragraf ketiga berisi Resolution, yaitu masalah terpecahkan ketika seorang peri menolongnya.
4.    Paragraf terakhir, berisi Re-Orientation, yaitu akhir cerita yang bahagia dimana akhirnya Cinderella menikah dengan pangeran.

F.    Exercises
The Rats and The Elephants
Once upon a time their lived a group of mice under a tree in peace. However, a group of elephants crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats. Many of them were even crushed to death.

Then taking of rats decided to approach the elephant's chief and request him to guide his herd through another route. On hearing the sad story, the elephant's king apologized and agreed to take another route. And so the lives of the rats were saved.

One day elephant-hunters came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants in huge nets. Then the elephant king suddenly remembered the king of the rats. He summoned on of the elephants of his herd, which had not been trapped, to go seek help from the king and told him about the trapped elephants.

The rat's king immediately took his entire group of rats and they cut open the nets which had trapped the elephant's herd. The elephant herd was totally set free. They danced with joy and thank the rats.
1. What type of text is the above text? It is …
A. a narrative text
B. a description text
C. a recount text
D. an anecdote text
E. an expository text

2. What destroyed the homes of all rats?
A. a group of mice did
B. the hunter did
C. elephant-hunter did
D. a group of elephant did
E. elephant's herd

3. What helped the elephant's herd free?
A. the elephant-hunter did
B. the hunters did
C. the trapped elephants did
D. a group of king did
E. entire group of rats did

4. What is generic structure of "once upon a time there lived a group of mice under a tree in peace"? A. Identification
B. Orientation
C. Complication
D. Resolution
E. Description

5. At the end of the story, how was the elephant's herd?
A. angry
B. sad
C. happy
D. dead
E. disappointed

1. A. (a narrative text)
2. D. (a group of elephant did)
3. E. (entire group of rats did)
4. B. (Orientation)
5. C. (happy)

The Story of the Smart Parrot
A man in Puerto Rico had a wonderful parrot. There was no another parrot like it. It was very, very smart. This parrot would say any word-except one. He would not say the name of the town where he was born. The name of the town was Catano.

The man tried to teach the parrot to say Catano. But the bird would not say the word. At first the man was very nice, but then he got angry. “You are a stupid bird! Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano, or I will kill you!” but the parrot would not say it. Then the man got to so angry that the shouted over and over, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!” but the bird would not talk.

One day after trying for many hours to make the bird say Catano, the man got very angry. He picked up the bird and threw him into the chicken house. “You are more stupid than the chickens. Soon I will eat them, and I will eat you, too.”

In the chicken house there are four old chickens. They were for Sunday’s dinner. The man put the parrot in the chicken house and left.

The next day the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and stopped. He was very surprised at what he saw!

He saw three dead chickens on the floor. The parrot was screaming at the fourth chicken, “Say Catano, or I’ll kill you!
1. Where does the story take place?
A. London
B. Puerto Rico
C. Jakarta
D. Buenos Aires
Jawaban B

2. What is the word that the parrot cannot say?
A. Catano
B. Tacano
C. Canato
D. Nacato
Jawaban A

3. How often did the owner teach the bird how to say the word?
A. Always
B. Everyday
C. Many times
D. Every second
Jawaban C

4. Which statement is true according to the text?
A. The parrot could say Catano
B. At last the parrot could say Catano
C. Catano was the name at the parrot
D. The man never got angry at the parrot
Jawaban B

5. What does the man do to the bird because the bird cannot say the name of a place.
A. The man ate the bird.
B. The sold the bird.
C. The man killed the bird.
D. The man taught the bird.
Jawaban D

6. It is most likely that ….
A. The bird killed the three chickens.
B. The three chickens killed the bird.
C. The bird played with the chicken.
D. The bird killed one of the three chickens.
Jawaban A

7. What is the story about?
A. A parrot and a cat
B. A parrot and a chicken
C. A parrot and the owner
D. A parrot, the owner, and chickens
Jawaban C

8. “It was very, very smart”.
The underlined word refers to ….
A. The man
B. The bird
C. The chicken
D. Puerto Rico
Jawaban B

9. “The parrot was very, very smart”
The word ‘smart’ means ….
A. Stupid
B. Clever
C. Stubborn
D. Beautiful
Jawaban B

10. “The parrot was screaming at the fourth chickens”
What does the underlined word mean?
A. Smiling
B. Crying
C. Shouting
D. Laugh
Jawaban C


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