Semua Tentang Conditional Sentence


A conditional sentence is a sentence containing the word if. There are three common types* of conditional sentence:

if clause > present simple tense : main clause > future tense (will)
If you help me, I will help you.
If I win the lottery, I will buy a new car.
If it snows tomorrow, we will go skiing.

if clause > past simple tense : main clause > would
If you knew her, you would agree with me.
If I won the lottery, I would buy a new car.
If it snowed tomorrow, we would go skiing.

if clause > past perfect tense : main clause > would have
If you had helped me, I would have helped you.
If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a new car.
If it had snowed yesterday, we would have gone skiing.
Of course, it is possible to start conditional sentences with the main clause:

I will buy a new car if I win the lottery.
I would buy a new car if I won the lottery.
I would have bought a new car if I had won the lottery.
English speakers choose one of the three conditional structures as follows:

Conditional one - to express a simple statement of fact or intent

I will buy a new car if I win the lottery.
I will go home if you don't stop criticizing me.
You will fail your exams if you don't start working harder.
She will lose all her friends if she continues to talk about them behind their backs.

Conditional two - to refer to a present unreal situation or to a situation in the future that the speaker thinks is unlikely to happen

If I had a lot of money, I would buy a new car. (but I don't have a lot of money)
If I were you, I would tell him you're sorry. (but I am not you)
If I won the lottery, I would buy a new house. (but I don't expect to win the lottery)
If it snowed tomorrow, we would go skiing. (but I don't have much hope that it will snow)

Conditional three - to refer to the past and situations that did not happen

If it had snowed yesterday, we would have gone skiing. (but it didn't snow, so we didn't go skiing)
If you had studied harder, you would have passed your test. (but you didn't study hard, so you didn't pass your test)
If I had known that, I would have told you. (but I didn't know, so I didn't tell you)
If she hadn't been driving slowly, she would have had an accident. (but she was driving slowly, so she didn't have an accident)

* Note: The way native speakers of English express conditions (use if-clauses) is much more varied than the 3 rigid combinations of tenses exemplified on this page. Learners should consult a good grammar reference work for a deeper understanding of this complex aspect of English grammar.


A. Pengertian
Conditional sentence menurut rumus dan fungsinya dibagi menjadi 3 type, yaitu type 1, 2 dan 3. Yang dimaksud dengan Conditional Sentence itu sendiri adalah gabungan 2 kalimat dimana salah satunya adalah kalimat syarat, dan yang lainnya adalah akibat dari pelaksanaan syarat tersebut.

Misalnya, jika nanti aku lulus Ujian dengan nilai 10 semua, maka aku akan traktir semua teman-teman sekelas. Jika syarat lulus terpenuhi, maka akibatnya saya akan mentraktir, jika tidak lulus, maka saya tidak akan mentraktir. Jadi selalu ada Jika (If).

pengertian, fungsi dan rumus conditional sentence type 1 2 3 dan perbedaannya

B. Fungsi Conditional Sentence.
Rumus Conditional Sentence terbagi ke dalam 3 type tergantung dari tingkat kemungkinan terjadinya atau terlaksananya syarat yang diajukan. (Jika kamu ingin mempelajari penjelasan secara lebih jelasnya silahkan klik conditional sentence sesuai yang kamu inginkan).

Conditional Sentence Type 1.
Conditional sentence type pertama ini dapat digunakan untuk membuat sebuah kalimat bersyarat yang masih masih memungkinkan sekali untuk dicapai syaratnya karena baru akan terjadi pada masa yang akan datang. Contoh: I will give you money if my car is sold. Saat mengucapkan mobilnya belum laku terjual dan ada peluang besar akan terjual sehingga peluang untuk memberikan uang masih besar.

Conditional Sentence Type 2.
Conditional sentence tipe kedua ini dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kalimat bersyarat yang kemungkinan terpenuhinya akan sulit.
Contoh: If I found your home, I would see you. Jika aku menemukan rumahmu, aku akan menemuimu tapi kenyataannya aku sulit menemukan rumahmu. Walaupun jika mau berusaha lebih keras bisa ketemu.

Conditional Sentence Type 3.
Conditional sentence type ketiga ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan kalimat bersyarat yang tidak mungkin dipenuhi karena masanya sudah lampau.
Contoh: If I had knew that your name is Salimah, I would not have gone to your wedding party. Kalau saja (waktu itu) aku tahu Salimah itu namamu, tak mungkin aku hadiri pesta perkawinanmu. Jadi sudah kadung datang dan niat untuk tidak menghadiri pesta perkawinan tidak bisa dipenuhi.

C. Rumus Conditional Sentence Type 1 2 3.

Conditional Sentence Type 1.
If + Subject + will + infinitive, Subject + verb-1.

Conditional Sentence Type 2.
If + Subject + would + infinitive, Subject + verb-2.

Conditional Sentence Type 3.
If + Subject + would + have + Verb-3, Subject + had + verb-3.


(Isilah bentuk kata kerja yang benar yang ada di dalam kurung pada setiap kalimat berikut ini)
  1. If we had left the house earlier, they……………….(be; negative) so late getting to the ship.
  2. If I finish the assignment before Saturday, I………………..(submit) it to my lecturer.
  3. If I had seen the concert, I………………..(tell) you about it last night.
  4. Had Juki not interfered in his brother’s marital problems, there…………………(be) peace between them.
  5. She would give you the money if she……………………(have) it.
  6. They would call you immediately if they………………….(need) help.
  7. Had my mother arrived at the sale early, she……………….(find) a better dress.
  8. If you have enough time, please…………………..(clean) your room before you go to school.
  9. They could go for a drive if today…………………(be) Sunday.
  10. If I win the prize, it will be because I………………………(write) very well.
  11. If your sister………………….(buy) that chocolate for you, will you be happy?
  12. If she…………………..(decide) earlier, she could have left on the morning flight.
  13. Had I known his address, I…………….(write) him a letter.
  14. If the roofer doesn’t come soon, the rain………………………(leak) inside.
  15. My cat always sleeps if it……………………(watch) drama on TV.
  16. If you………….(see) John tonight, please ask him to call his mother.
  17. If I……………(do) a good job, I would get the raise.
  18. My lecturer will not accept my work if I…………….(submit) it in late.
  19. If we had known her, we……………………(talk) to her.
  20. They would understand it if you……………….(explain) it to them more slowly.
  21. I……………..(rich), I would travel around the world.
  22. She would have understood her English teacher if she………………(speak) slowly.
  23. If my headache disappeared, I……………………(play) tennis this morning.
  24. If today………………….(be) Sunday, we could go to the beach.
  25. We……………….(go) tonight if we didn’t have to study.
  26. If the fireman hadn’t arrived earlier, they…………………(save; negative) the house.
  27. Peter……………..(pass) the examination if he studied well.
  28. Roni could win the competition if he…………………(practice) more.
  29. We wouldn’t know that our parents came if my teacher………………..(tell; negative) us.
  30. Don’t expect too much if you………………(want) to be happy.
  31. Had I known that Desti was a liar, I………………(tell) my secret.
  32. If she………………(know) there was a test, she would have prepared for it well.
  33. We……………..(do) our work if our computer had not broken down.
  34. If he…………….(be) more confident during the interview, he might have the job he wanted.
  35. They would have lost their bag if they…………………..(leave) it in the hotel.
  1. would not have been
  2. can submit
  3. would have told
  4. would have been
  5. had
  6. needed
  7. would have found
  8. clean
  9. were
  10. write
  11. buy
  12. had decided
  13. would have written
  14. leaks
  15. watches
  16. see
  17. did
  18. submit
  19. would have talked
  20. explained
  21. were
  22. had spoken
  23. could play
  24. were
  25. would go
  26. would not have saved
  27. would pass
  28. practiced
  29. did not tell
  30. want
  31. would not have told
  32. had known
  33. had done
  34. were
  35. had left
Part II

1.    I will visit your hometown…………..

a.    If I come to Indonesia.
b.    If I came to Indonesia
c.    If I will come to indonesia
d.    If I would come to Indonesia

2.    If I had had free time    …………..

a.    I will watch the movie together with my friend.
b.    I would watch the movie together with my friend.
c.    I would have watched the movie together with my friends.
d.    I would have been watching the movie together with my friends.

3.    What is the fact of the previous sentence? (question no. 2)

a.    I didn’t have free time. Therefore, I didn’t watch the movie together with my friend.
b.    I don’t have free time. Therefore. I don’t watch the movie together with my friend.
c.    I was not having free time. Therefore, I was not watching the movie together with my friend.
d.    I am not having free time. Therefore. I am not watching the movie together with my friend.

4.    If I were you, …………..

a. I will buy that limited edition camera.
b. I would buy that limited edition camera.
c. I would have bought that limited edition camera.
d. I would have been buying that limited edition camera.

5. What is the fact of the previous question? (question no.4)

a.    I am not you               c. I were not you.
b.    I was not you              d. I have not been you.

6.    My father would buy me a new motorcycle    …………..

a.    If I passed the state university entrance test.
b.    If I pass the state university entrance test.
c.    If I have passed the state university entrance test.
d.    If I am passing the state university entrance test.

7.    What is the fact of the previous sentence? (question no.6)

a.    I don’t pass the state university entrance test.
b.    I didn’t pass the state university entrance test.
c.    I wasn’t passing the state university entrance test.
d.    I am not passing the state university entrance test.

8.    If I had gone with my parents five hours ago to our villa,……….

a.    I would not be alone right now.
b.    I will not be alone right now.
c.    I am not alone right now
d.    I was not alone right now.

9.    What is the fact of question no. 8?
a.    I do not go with my parents five hours ago, so 1 am alone right now.
b.    I did not go with my parents five hours ago, so I am alone right now.
c.    I was not going with my parents five hours ago, so I am alone right now.
d.    I am not going with my parents five hours ago, so I am alone right now.

10.    If Maria had obeyed her mother’s advice to accept the scholarship,…………..

a.    She would have graduated from famous university.
b.    She will graduate from famous university.
c.    She graduates from famous university.
d.    She graduated from famous university.

1.    A             6. A
2.    C            7. A
3.    A            8. A
4.    B            9. B
5.    A           10. A


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