Invitation (Defenisi, Contoh, dan Soal Latihan Lengkap)


Invitation adalah surat yang bertujuan mengundang seseorang agar datang di acara yang diselenggarakan. 

Bagian-bagian surat undangan adalah: 
1)      Nama/ kepada orang yang diundang (alamat) 
2)      Kalimat sapaan 
3)      Isi surat undangan 
4)      Penutup (nama pengirim) 

Tujuan Komunikatif:
to invite .... to a ...(=untuk mengundang ....untuk suatu ....)

Contoh event dalam undangan :

  • a birthday party (pesta ulang tahun)
  • a farewell party (peasta perpisahan)
  • a house-warming party (pesta menempati/ pindah ke rumah baru)
  • a wedding anniversary (pesta peringatan pernikahan)
  • a school anniversary (peringatan berdirinya sekolah)
  • a graduation party (pesta wisuda)
  • a welcoming party (pesta penyambutan kedatangan staff/ pimpinan/ anggota organisasi, dsb.)
  • a workshop; a seminar
  • a meeting (rapat)
Ungkapan yang sering digunakan untuk undangan resmi formal:

You are cordially invited to attend ....
.. request the company of
You are invited to ...
...request the honour of your presence at ...

RSVP (r÷pondez s'il vous plaĆ­t] : dari bahasa Perancis yang artinya"please reply/ answer". Biasanya orang yang diundang perlu untuk memberikan konfirmasi tentang apakah dia bisa datang atau tidak dengan menghubungi orang di alamat atau no telpun yang ditulis dalam undangan (to give confirmation whether he/ she can attend it or not)

Contoh :

Image result for invitation card  


Virginia Parker is turning 80, 
though it may seem absurd!  
We’re having a party, but don’t breathe a word!

Please join us for
a Surprise Birthday Party

Sunday, June 20th
2.00 pm

Deering Bay Estates Club House
13600 Old Cutler Road

RSVP by June 10th
To Danielle Stevens

1.     What kind of party is it?
a.       Wedding Party                         
b.        Birthday Party
c.       Wedding anniversary            
d.        New Year’s Eve Party

2.     When will the party be held?
a.       On the twenty seventh of June
b.       On the sixteenth of June
c.       On the twentieth of June      
d.       d. On the tenth of June

3.    Where will the party be held?
a.       At Deering Bay Estates Club House
b.       On Deering Bay Street
c.       At Danielle Stevens’ house  
d.        At Virginia house

4.     RSVP stands for ‘Respondez  S’il  Vous Plait which means …...
a.       Make sure you come             
b.        Please Reply
c.       I want you to come

d.    Don't forget

5. What is the purposes of the text?
a. To inform someone about Farewell Party
b. To invite  someone to attend Farewell Party
c. To forbid students to come to farewell party
d. To remind someone to celebrate farewell party

6. Where will the party be held?
a. at Olivia's house
b. at Sam's house
c. at Marcia and John Smith's house
d. at the park

7. What does "Farewell" mean?
a. say good bye
b. say god night
c. say good luck

d. say good morning

8. How old is Caleb?
a. 4 years old
b. 5 years old
c. 14 years old
d. 40 years old

9. Who should we contact to make confirmation?
a. Caleb
b. Caleb's mother
c. Caleb's sister
d. Anne Marie

10. When will the party be held?
a. in the morning
b. in the afternoon
c. in the evening

d. at  night

1. Whose party is it?
    a. Marie
    b. Devoe
    c. Kim
    d. Maries

2. When will the party be held?
    a. at Devoe Road
    b. at 6.30 p.m
    c. on march 13
    d. at the second house

3.  Regret only : Marie Salinger 238-1722 or e-mail
    the word above tell us that we should ....
    a. give information if we cannot come
    b. give information if we can come
    c. ask information how to come to the place
    d. contact Marie Salinger before we come

4. Our house is at the second house on the right.
    The underlined word refers to... 
    a. Marie's family
    b. Kim's family
    c. Devoe's family
    d. Salinger's family

5. What is the party for?
    a. to have good friends
    b. to watch new friends
    c. to enjoy food and drinks
    d. to welcome the new year

6. What is the purpose of the text above?
    a. to invite a friend to attend the new year party
    b. to make someone happy in new year party
    c. to remind people the coming of new year
    d. to tell importance of new year

7. How long the party be held?
    a. 7 hours
    b. 6 hours
    c. 5 hours
    d. 4 hours

8. at my house
    the underlined word refers to....
   a. Johana
   b. Jl. Anggrek
   c. Sandra

   d. the writer 


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