Announcement (Defenisi, Contoh, dan Soal Latihan Lengkap)

Pengumuman adalah pesan atau informasi yang disampaikan kepada orang banyak/ khalayak masyarakat. Biasanya, pengumuman hanya menyampaikan pesan atau informasi yang menyangkut khalayak ramai. Misalnya pengumuman di majalah dinding sekolah, pengumuman di Surat Kabar atau majalah.  
                     Image result for announcement
Isi pengumuman bisa tentang apa saja, misalnya
In the airport:
announcement about the cancellation of a flight (pengumuman tentang pembatalan suatu penerbangan)
announcement about the delay of a flight (pengumuman tentang penundaan suatu penerbangan)
announcement about the changing of terminal (pengumuman tentang perubahan terminal)
At school:
announcement about a competition
announcement about the result of a test/ a competition (pengumuman tentang hasil suatu tes atau lomba)
announcement about a certain school programme: camping, outbond activity, dsb

Ungkapan yang sering digunakan dakam pengumuman:
due to ... (karena...) : due to the rains (karena hujan, ...)

Contoh announcement text:

School Announcements

There will be a flag ceremony next Friday to celebrate independence day. All students must wear white-grey uniforms. Be punctual!

To        : All grade X & XI Students
From    : Principal

Please choose one of the sports activities: swimming, football, basketball, volleyball or badminton. Report to your leader of the class the sport you choose.

A Wedding Announcement

Mr Affriyansyah Ekko Sarjono
Miss Ratna Purnamasari

Announce their marriage on Sunday, the sixth of December two thousand and ten

Chesterfield, Derbyshir

Outdoor Program Announcement
Weekend Outbound

Let’s have weekend outbound!

If you are the outstanding traveler, please join us on “Jalan Jalan Yuk”. It will be held on Sunday, 15 December 2014 in Lembah Hijau. The opening ceremony will be held at 8 a.m. If you are interested, please come and join us.

Contact us and register your group of five. Wear your jeans and green T-shirt. Don’t forget to bring necessary equipment’s, foods and drinks are provided by the committee.

The chairman,

Budi G

Contact Person: Abdul Haris(085814143801)
Jl. Kintamani 70, Kemiling

Basketball Competition

“Our school basketball matches will begin on Saturday, January 1. The events will run from 8.00 – 10.00 for the next four weeks. The final tournament will be held on February 7. For more information, contact Rizka (021 12345678)”



Because of the high demand for electrical power due to extremely cold weather, the city is facing a serious power shortage. We are asking residents to help us avoid this situation. Please reduce your power consumption as much as possible. Lower household heat to sixty degrees. Turn of all unnecessary appliances. Postpone energy-consuming tasks such as doing the laundry.

1. The announcement is about …..
a.a serious power shortage in the city
b.the high demand for electrical power
c.the extremely cold weather in the city
d.the need to turn off all unnecessary appliances
e.the demand to postpone energy-consuming tasks

2. The announcement is addressed to …..
a.the residents of the city
d.the officials that work in the city
b.the companies in the city
e.the employees of the electricity company
c.the rich people in the city

3. “Turn of all unnecessary appliances.”
 The synonym of the underlined word is …….

Part II

All students must join the class meeting from 15th December to 21st Desember2008



1. What kind of the text is it ?
A. A letter
B. A label
C. A postcard
D. An announcement

Answer : D

2. what is the text about ?
A. The class meeting in a school.
B. The winner of the class meeting.
C. An invitation t o join a class meeting.
D. The plan of having a class meeting.

Answer : C

To : All students and teachers

Come and visit our new librabry. Lots of new books (brand new novels and non-fiction books) are available. You can also enjoy our newest DVDs collection.

Head of library

3. What are the things offered in the new library ?
A. Books and DVDs.
B. Old and new books.
C. New books and novels.
D. New DVDs and non-fiction books.

Answer : C

4. Why does the writer make the announcement ?
A. To resume a new novel.
B. To invite the reader to visit the library.
C. To let the reader know about the head of library.
D. To help the reader know where to find the DVDs.

Answer : B

5. Who make the announcement ?
A. Ramadhan
B. All students
C. All teachers
D. The librarian

Answer : A


English Conversation Club (SCC) is opening registration for new members. join us and improve your English!
Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hall

For registration, please contact
Wayan (VIIA)
Anissa (VIIB)

6. When do the members have meeting ?
A. In the morning.
B. On Thursday afternoon.
C. On Thursday morning.
D. In the afternoon at three o’clock.

Answer : B

7. Where do they have the meeting ?
A. In the ECC’s meeting room.
B. In the VIIA classroom.
C. At the school hall.
D. At the cafetaria.

Answer : C

8. How long does the meeting last ?
A. One and a half hours.
B. One hour.
C. One and a quarter hours.
D. Two hours.

Answer : A


This is a new school year and there are many new students arround. Please be friendly and help them understand the rules of our school.


9. Where can you find the text ?
A. At a school.
B. At a bookstore.
C. At a bank.
D. At a park.

Answer : A

10. Why does the principal make the announcement ?
A. To ask the students to nice and helpful to the new comers.
B. To let the students know that they have their junior.
C. To ask the students to contact their parents.
D. To inform about the new school year.

Answer : D

11. Who do you think reads the announcement ?
A. New students.
B. Senior students.
C. Parents.
D. Teachers.

Answer : A

12. ” Please be friendly….” . What is the meaning of the underlined word ?
A. Disturbing
B. Interesting
C. Welcoming
D. Attracting

Answer : C


There will be a holiday camp next month. All scout must join this camp. The activity will take place at Bangunharjo camping sie and last for three days.

for further information, please contact Mr. Arkan.

                                                                                            Banyumas, May 12th,2009

                                                                                    The Chief of Scout Organization

13.When will the activity be held ?
A. In May
B. In June
C. In July
D. In August

Answer : A

14. If the camp starts in June 5th, when will it end ?
A. June 6th.
B. June 7th.
C. May 12th.
D. May 25th.

Answer : B

15. Who must join the activity ?
A. All students
B. All scouts
C. All chiefs
D. All Banyumas people

Answer : B


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